The History of Medicine


Staff member
2000 BC:
Here, eat this root
1000 AD:
That root is heathen. Say this prayer.
1850 AD:
That prayer is pure superstition.
Here, drink this potion.
1940 AD:
That potion is snake oil.
Here, swallow this pill.
1985 AD:
That pill is ineffective.
Here, take this antibiotic
2000 AD:
That antibiotic doesn't work any more.
Here, eat this root.

I got this joke as an email today, it's funny, but it struck me seems in many cases this is the way things are going, we try to live a medication free lifestyle, unless truly needed that is, I haven't bought antibiotics in years.
There's a lot of truth in it...I rarely use antibiotics either...some of them don't work anymore already :(

Not a good development...


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I used to get antibiotics for chronic bronchitis when I smoked. Each time I would come down with it (towards the end, once a month) they would prescribe me stronger and stronger antibiotics because the old ones wouldn't work anymore. When I had walking pneumonia, I finally decided to quit. Almost four years and I've gotten bronchitis only twice since.

Antibiotics are just trouble. I had an ear infection last year, got antibiotics, two weeks later I got a urinary tract infection *from* the antibiotics I was prescribed so what do the prescribe to get rid of the UTI? That's right, antibiotics. :rolleyes: