If we have an agenda it's to simply be treated like human beings
OK, granted, long ago. Next.
if they sign a paper saying that they don't have to pay taxes so long as they abide by those laws, then by god they had better hold up their end of the bargain.
In that case they can't talk about much can they? Especially since damned near every law is based in or upon religious tenet.
Just for grins and giggles, can you please list some examples in how government has taken on the role of churches?
Food stamps...welfare in general. Used to be local & private. LBJ, about 1965 saw some new uses for federal momey.
Have you stopped to consider the reason why marriages moved over to the legal realm in the first place?
Another example of why homosexuals are better than lawyers.
can someone please explain to me the high divorce rate in this country
The rise of radical feminism & the closet exiting homer secks you alls. The ugly bitches convinced the not so ugly wimins that men are the enemy & should be avoided at all costs. Lots of periodicals & dailies used illogical & badly conceived data to create a mythology. It spread like wildfire & some wimins thought hairy underarms was sexy. It's taken almost 40 years to show what damage had been done. Notice that women are re-asserting their right to be moms again. That little turn of events is really pissing off the ugly chicks.
Coming out of the closet, while personally freeing, created a confused class of children & adults. Doubt me? Take a look at the crap going on right now in New Jersey.
People like Anna Nicole & Brittney Spears & all thier idiot friends are not a good example. Notice that people gawk. Like a bad car wreck, there are some gruesome things that our brains say NO to but our inner child demands to see anyway.
Just because we aren't perfect is no reason to quit the search.
If you truly love and trust someone enough to want to marry then and spend the rest of your life with them then it doesn't take god or George Bush to say that you are. What ever happened to a person's word is their bond? Tell me how my belief in what marriage really is tarnishes yours? You can't because it doesn't. You simply can't get a more pure definition.
One marriage. Never divorced. One child from within those confines. I do trust, honor & love her. Explicitlly. You're marriage won't weaken mine. It will help weaken an already shaky establishment. No-fault Divorce has done more damage than can be repaired in a couple of decades. It takes time. We don't need more sand thrown below the base.
allowing same-sex couples to share benefits would save the country billions in health care.
Homosexuals cost more than their fair share individually. More sick time, more illnesses, more major diseases. HOw can they reduce cost by doubling up? Fantasy.
Other benefits include hospital visitation rights that aren't extended to homosexual couples.
If my boyfriend were in a car wreck today I'm the only family he has here. Where is the justice in forcing me to sit in the waiting room while he slips into a coma and dies all alone? Isn't four and half years of a solid loving relationship good enough to prove that I should be at his side.
Horeseshit. Hasn't anyone who prefers same sex partners ever heard of Office Depot or Staples? Hell, what about attorneys. A few of them don't suck (is that offensive to say in a thread with a gay guy

POWERS of ATTORNEY. All kinds of legal crap. No, it doesn't cure everything (like the snobby mom-in-law) but it cures damned near every single legal argument.
Prolifers everywhere throw a party every time a Abortion Clinic gets blown to smithereens.
Just like all queers hang out near the boys room.
They are using the exact same methods the homosexual community use(s, d). Don't like it? Sorry. Look at their arguments & look at yours. Identical. Once one barrier comes down, each subsequent barrier is easier to overcome.
Enough for now.