The incredible Invisi-Bish


Well-Known Member
Just a quick message to say that I won't be leaving any more quick message in the am. I've been cut off from the internet as of today. I may have the chance to check in in the afternoons, on Monday and Tuesday, and the occasional late evening, but that's it.

Just making sure that no one thought that I'd had my first heart attack whilst shoveling this fine morning.

Have a good one!

I should... but I'm wearing soft slippers. It would only amount to a pathetic slapping sound. I had to use my fist to get the proper resonance.
Awww. That sucks to be cut off, Bishie. Don't let the real world keep you too long - we miss you!
Well, As's Monday afternoon and I'm online.

I got a talking to about my surfing on the web by an employee of the church. Seems that he walked in whilst I was OTCing a few too many times and happened to see fury's little signature (you know the one, with the juggling breastnesses)..took offence, talked to a few peeps at the church and I got myself sequestered from my internet access, until further notice.

So...on Monday and Tuesday, I work for a difference church office and I'm OK there, but Mon-Fri 9-1pm and Wed-Thu 1:30-5pm, I'm not able to access.

At night, I don't go on all that often, unless my insomnia kicks into gear, and that's after my missus and son are asleep. Sucks, don't it.

I guess that you'll just have to go Bish-cold-turkey. ;)

miss you all already!

MrBishop said:
happened to see fury's little signature (you know the one, with the juggling breastnesses)..took offence

Damn, A guy? Took offence at juggling breastnesses? Hmm..... That's gotta make you wonder.

Well, I guess it's a good thing we didn't have an eye candy thread going then huh?
Yeah, tell me about it. :/'s all for the best, I guess...I was spending a whole whack of time online anyways. A little break won't hurt all that much.
MrBishop said:
I got a talking to about my surfing on the web by an employee of the church. Seems that he walked in whilst I was OTCing a few too many times and happened to see fury's little signature (you know the one, with the juggling breastnesses)..took offence, talked to a few peeps at the church and I got myself sequestered from my internet access, until further notice.
Pssst... You can connect via a cell phone.