The incredible Invisi-Bish

Kawaii said:
Pssst... You can connect via a cell phone.

Well, if I had a cel phone, that'd be nice. The internet's not cut off, per se. Neither is my access BUT...I've been asked nicely to NOT go online, except for church related access (checking our email, looking for images for our bulletins etc...

Not the same.
A.B.Normal said:
Could have been worse, you'd still be in ICU ,if a Nun had spotted you viewing fury's sig boobs.
Nah.. It would be the nun in the hospital. I'm not catholic. I don't have to take knuckle cracks with submissive cowering. I'm tellin' ya... if a penguin takes a whack at me... I'm taking a whack at a penguin.
unclehobart said:
Nah.. It would be the nun in the hospital. I'm not catholic. I don't have to take knuckle cracks with submissive cowering. I'm tellin' ya... if a penguin takes a whack at me... I'm taking a whack at a penguin.
My comment was directed at Bish :lloyd:
MrBishop said:

Well, if I had a cel phone, that'd be nice. The internet's not cut off, per se. Neither is my access BUT...I've been asked nicely to NOT go online, except for church related access (checking our email, looking for images for our bulletins etc...

Not the same.
Oh. Could you post the URL for your site/bulletin/whatever? I'm curious on how it looks. Thanks. :)
MrBishop said:
Well, As's Monday afternoon and I'm online.

I got a talking to about my surfing on the web by an employee of the church. Seems that he walked in whilst I was OTCing a few too many times and happened to see fury's little signature (you know the one, with the juggling breastnesses)..took offence, talked to a few peeps at the church and I got myself sequestered from my internet access, until further notice.

So...on Monday and Tuesday, I work for a difference church office and I'm OK there, but Mon-Fri 9-1pm and Wed-Thu 1:30-5pm, I'm not able to access.

At night, I don't go on all that often, unless my insomnia kicks into gear, and that's after my missus and son are asleep. Sucks, don't it.

I guess that you'll just have to go Bish-cold-turkey. ;)

miss you all already!


You could do what I did and change your settings so you don't see anyone's signature. There was some image with a link or something in someone's sig that was slowing down page loads so I turned them off. You could do the same for avatars. I know they don't want you to spend the time here either so I understand but to be safe if you ever start visiting from that church again, it's an option.

I won't be round much during the day either anymore. Started my new job today, I'm going to be busy busy busy for the first time in years. It's freakin awesome. :D
MrBishop said:
I got a talking to about my surfing on the web by an employee of the church. Seems that he walked in whilst I was OTCing a few too many times and happened to see fury's little signature (you know the one, with the juggling breastnesses)..took offence, talked to a few peeps at the church and I got myself sequestered from my internet access, until further notice

:rolleyes: Why do the same 4 words keep popping onto my head around you?