The kids a thief!


Kissy Goddess
I have somewhat of a moral dilemma on my hands and am looking for a little input. For about a year or so, I babysat my sisters’ neighbors’ kids every day. The youngest, let’s call him… John.. was always a little… different. Can’t really explain it, but he was not dealing with a full deck. He was a nice kid, though.

So, now it’s 8 yrs later and my oldest hangs out with him, at our house, his house or my sisters’ house. About a year ago, I noticed bits of money, change, missing. I thought perhaps I was being careless at the time. But then I’d come home and my kids’ money jars would be lying on the floor with nothing but pennies left – it was a fair amount, to say the least. I then kept the kids’ money out of sight so as not to tempt the little boy who was obviously struggling with issues.

Wednesday I cleaned up my sons room and found $5 his father had given him and stuck it in his play money jar without thinking about it. When I tucked him in on Thursday night, the money was gone. I asked Joey (my youngest) if he took it with him to the park when he went out with his friend and his friends mom, he said no. So, I asked my oldest “Alex, did you borrow some money from your brother?” and he said No.

Then I remembered… earlier that day, Alex called me to tell me that he and his buddy went to the store and loaded up on goodies. I remember him telling me that it was John’s treat and me saying how I thought that was nice of him.

I said to Alex, “did you leave John unsupervised at all before you went to the store?” and he told me that John was there for about a half hour or so before saying let’s go to the store…….

ANYWAYS – John stole the money. He is no longer allowed in my home because he has a problem with stealing. I thought perhaps it would blow over, but it hasn’t and now he’s stealing paper money – not just change.

DILEMMA: Do I call his Mom and tell her? Do I just not let him come over? If I tell her, I know it’s going to be very difficult on her… but I suppose if by telling her, I am only doing it in hopes they can correct the problem now before it becomes something bigger… I don’t know…

Do I call the Mom and gently tell her her kids a thief??
The kid needs help, and his parents need to provide it. They can't do that if they're unaware of the problem (although that would surprise me a little). Clue her in.
Couldn't have said it better. The more time that goes by with his folx in the dark, is the more time that little problem will have to get bigger.
Yes, I'm sure it will be difficult - but his parents do need to know so that he can get help with this problem. Good luck Spirit, I know it won't be easy to have to discuss this with his mother. :hug:
Okay - ya.. here goes.. gonna call her now. Ew. I feel like a rat, sorta. But I'd want to know if any of my boys did that...
Spirit said:
Okay - ya.. here goes.. gonna call her now. Ew. I feel like a rat, sorta. But I'd want to know if any of my boys did that...

And there's your acid test. Still isn't fun, though. Good luck.
^^ Agree.

thou, be carefull choosing your words, there are some kind of moms that won't believe such things about their "baby angels".
if someone called me and told me that my child had stolen from them i would not react well. i would be outraged at my child and would hope not to "kill the messenger"...but in the end i would want to know as soon as possible. i'm glad you're telling her, spirit.
On the contrary. Do feel like a rat. But do it anyways. That's what parenting is. Doing what's right, no matter how crappy it makes you feel.
tonksy said:
if someone called me and told me that my child had stolen from them i would not react well. i would be outraged at my child and would hope not to "kill the messenger"...but in the end i would want to know as soon as possible. i'm glad you're telling her, spirit.

I think it would depend on who was telling me. If close family or friends were the one to tell me, I'd believe them and give my kids hell for it. If someone I didn't know well told me, knowing me, I'd probably become defensive. But then again, as Luis said, it would all depend on how the "rat", for lack of a better word, phrased their words. :D