The latest fad or-(not to be outdone)


Well-Known Member
Face pearcings not enough for you? Having horns implanted in you skull become to 'norm'?

Why not try the latest trend...tongue splitting. Yes you too can get you're tongue split in two to look like a snake.

And i thought my tatoo was stupid.
Sorry man...but that is just sick


Fuckin' make me lose my lunch why dontcha! are f@kin' out of their f@kin gourds~!!!!
i was reading an article in the newspaper about a local restaurant.

the writer of the article, spent most of it talking about the employee's lip ring.

i wanted to hurt him.

leave them alone, man.
not all of them.

believe it or not, some people do things because they LIKE it, not because of the reaction it will incite in others.

like, all of the pierced ones i know, complain when people talk about their piercings.
Hey, if I can't stop them from doing it, they can't stop me from discussing it. Same freedoms, sunshine. If they don't want me discussing it, they shouldn't have let me know they've done it.
Most of them do it to shock people... to borrow a line from a comedian, why not get a job instead? That'll be a REAL shocker. :beerbang:
Sorry Ash R, but I have t' dissagree with you there. They like them because they use them as accesories (like shoes, hair styles, clothing) and like those things, they're made to be seen. Those piercings that are unseen, I can see as being for private consumption, but other piercings, not unlike earings, are open to viewing and comment. They're fashion accesories. Albeit more radical ones.
i also think it's funny, in a very sad, sad, pathetic way, how people associate piercings, or hair colors, or other oddnesses, with being useless and NOT having jobs, or lives, or friends, or being drug free, or anything like that.

sure, some of them don't.
but most of them, as i've seen, do.
people around here, that is.
i'm just speaking from my experiences; they may vary from yours.
My experience is that the morons who keep trying to wash my windshield using water and squeegies stolen from the local gas station tend to have all manner of piercings. I doubt any of them have much in the way of jobs. Most bicycle courriers locally have them too. They've got jobs, such as they are. Waiters, checkout clerks, ticket takers at the movies. But not too many bankers. Very few lawyers, doctors, or other professionals. Nor many businessmen.

My experience is that people looking at their future don't often see piercings as a way to get there. People who live in their present do. Personally, I don't do business with that sort. That means I walk out of restaurants who employ them, after announcing why I'm leaving. That means that I don't take them as clients either.
but why make things more difficult?
on them, i mean?
it's senseless to be a bastard to those people.

and people wonder what's wrong with the world these days.
it's just so pathetically laughable...those who follow this crap are doing it to be 'different', not realizing that they all look exactly the same to the rest of us...just another group of sheep following the rest of the herd.
when i get my piercing(s) (i'll start out with nose) and my tattoo(s) (starting out with something small like a faery)...
i'll be one of those who do it because they like it.

oh, but i do have something funny to share in regards to leslie's comment... i must scan it, first :)
Oh, Ash. Sometimes when I talk with you, I wonder if I was ever to innocent and trusting as you are.

Why? It's terribly simple. That's how life works. These people are actively trying to distance themselves from the 'norm'. They're not the first. They're nothing new. The hippies beat them to it. The long haired leather jacket bikers beat them to it. Hell, Elvis beat them to it.

Society only works when people try to meet the norm. The standard for today's people. Slow change from within is the best way to make changes without shattering that society.The last bunches of rebels inflicted STDs, drugs, and divorce on us. I'd stop them any way I can. And if the only way society lets me do that today is by actively starving them out, I'll do it.
Leslie said:
it's just so pathetically laughable...those who follow this crap are doing it to be 'different', not realizing that they all look exactly the same to the rest of us...just another group of sheep following the rest of the herd.

this is from a comic i read called "Johnny the Homicidal Maniac".
altho the comic is goth in nature, the artist of JTHM (who also did the nickelodeon cartoon show "Invader Zim", which your kids [or you!] may have watched) makes fun of goths, too.
here's a great moment in this one strip about this really, really shallow superficial goth girl called "anne gwish". in this strip, she talka bout how her life is a "dark pit of darkness", etc.

this panel is about a club she goes to.

Professur said:
Society only works when people try to meet the norm. The standard for today's people. Slow change from within is the best way to make changes without shattering that society.The last bunches of rebels inflicted STDs, drugs, and divorce on us. I'd stop them any way I can. And if the only way society lets me do that today is by actively starving them out, I'll do it.

you make a good point, the rebels of pervious generations did mess things up for the world today.

but it's really not fair to actively be mean to them.

i have friends who have piercings, tattoos, other bodmods, hair colors not found anywhere in nature.... they're the nicest people i know.
again, just speaking from my experience.
most of them have jobs. it may just be in retail or foodservice, but we're teenagers.

maybe it's just because so many of my friends are spat upon by the world, just for being different, when they are guilty of doing absolutely nothing but having had a needle driven thru a body part....
but i just think it's really pathetic when people treat the odd ones as the Scum of the Earth.