The latest fad or-(not to be outdone)

Scum of the Earth. I've heard it lots of times. And personally, I can't think of anyone it applies to better than to someone who blindly destroys what someone else put together. There's a case in Montreal that just broke, with the arrest of 9 20 year olds calling themselves some stupid name like Anarchy or summat like that. Arrested for graffi. Nearly a million in damages. For what? Their pathetic egos, that's what. Their idea of rebellion. That's a million dollars that were wasted. Take a guess how many of them were clean cut kids? Not a one.

Granted, most kids getting body mods aren't that incredibly stupid. But they do fuel the ones who are. They're sheep. Driving the herd off into the mud.
Not surprised by the depths into which, we continue to descend, in order to somehow find "new" levels of rejection form others, which confirm and/or justify our own secret levels of self-rejection, for one reason, or a hundred.

Hell, I remember thinkin' I was bein' socially "devient", when I had my naval pierced........been awhile ago, an' nothin more than an' inconspicuous scar to tell the story of, yet another vain proclamation............:rolleyes:
Professur said:
Granted, most kids getting body mods aren't that incredibly stupid. But they do fuel the ones who are. They're sheep. Driving the herd off into the mud.

Prof, don't ya think that those of us, who are 'bent' to such levels of "public" mud-rollin', are neither, persuaded, nor desuaded from pursuin' these paths anyhow?

I doubt that the so called, "leaders" of such trends, are really leaders at all. More like, the next in line, to follow the same old paths, which mark the continuing degradation of men, who chase after the wind..............

Perhaps, the part which brings the most revoltion, from us all, is the realization, that in our own ways, we ALL pursue the elevations of "self", which are both, repulsive to others an' even to ourselves..........(jus' my feeble way of lookin' at it).............
Who wants to see the tattoo Im getting?




I havent decied which one but
I am very excited :) :) :)

credit for these ideas goes to a one MISTER FART I wish his webpage was still up :(
ash r said:
Professur said:
Society only works when people try to meet the norm. The standard for today's people. Slow change from within is the best way to make changes without shattering that society.The last bunches of rebels inflicted STDs, drugs, and divorce on us. I'd stop them any way I can. And if the only way society lets me do that today is by actively starving them out, I'll do it.

you make a good point, the rebels of pervious generations did mess things up for the world today.

but it's really not fair to actively be mean to them.

i have friends who have piercings, tattoos, other bodmods, hair colors not found anywhere in nature.... they're the nicest people i know.
again, just speaking from my experience.
most of them have jobs. it may just be in retail or foodservice, but we're teenagers.

maybe it's just because so many of my friends are spat upon by the world, just for being different, when they are guilty of doing absolutely nothing but having had a needle driven thru a body part....
but i just think it's really pathetic when people treat the odd ones as the Scum of the Earth.

I agree with you ash, even when i think it is disgusting to cut your tongue, they have the right to do whatever they want with their body, and they should be respected for what they are and not for the way they look.

Ohh, and i also like piercings (only to see them), i think they are sexy when they are not excessive.
I think tattoos and piercings are dumb. but then again I am alot more practial and dont give a shit about wearin fancy clothes or trying to stand out. Yea I have met plenty of people have done all kinds of shit like that to their bodies that are cool people, but that doesnt make them smart or practical.

In days with these fuckin phoney rebels like korn, eminem and limp biskit how can you not get a tattoo or pierce some part of your body? I mean it is the cool thing to do!

being a 22 year old drug-alcohol free untattooed and unpierced dude sure isnt that cool
Often times people who get all this crazy shit done to them don't have much self-esteem in the first place and they think getting modded heavily will somehow instantly gain them respect and admiration. Well, it sure does, but only from other people who do it, certainly not from anyone who'd be signing their paychecks or considering giving them a scholarship. That's the general consensus around my city, and usually why you only find them working as a burger flipper or crapper cleaner. More of an observation, but you're welcome to take it as an insult. :beerbang:

I'm 18, drug-free, mostly-alcohol free, untattooed, unpierced, and unsplit-tongued dude, and I'm damn cool. :beerbang:
i'm 17, un-inked, only 5 earringed, drug/alcohol free... and i rock!!

there is indeed so much more to a person than how much modding they've done.

they works on both sides of the coin.

the modders need to realise that modding does not give them a personality.
the anti-modders need to realise that not all modders suck.
What bothers me is not that these people want to get be it. It's their body and their future that they're messing with. It's the permanency of certain mods that bothers me. Tattoos can get lasered off (painful and costly), and you can remove nose rings, face rings etc...and eventually, the scars will go away, but certain things just won't heal properly. That tongue splitting thing...I can see it getting in the way of the sense of taste, the ability to speak correctly, swallowing etc...will that heal properly? WHo knows? The kids that are getting it done certainly don't's new. THere are no long-term studies on it. They're going into it completely blindly...because it looks cool to have a split tongue? So what?!? It upsets their parents? It upsets their teachers? It ...

Never looks cool year, it'll be something else that looks cool. a few years time...when they decide to get a job, start a family, get married (live together)...they'll change their mind about that split tongue, and then it'll be a big-ass bill to the surgeon to put it back together, and the repurcussions of nerve damage to deal with.

To put it bluntly...they're living in the 'today'. What are they going to look like at 40, trying to get through a job-interview with that split tongue? Nowhere.

'nuff said:evilsmok:
What Bishop said. :beerbang:

Luis: I had a 1/4 glass of wine a few days ago, puked most of it up again :lol: but I'm sure some of it stayed and found its way into my brain. :cocktail:
woah, 1/4 glass of wine made you puke :eek13:

you really need to learn the drinking ways :D
Well, after a few beers ago when I chugged 10 years a night for two nights, I guess my body kind of developed a hatred for alcohol and rejects it whenever I use it, or even sometimes when I smell it.
fury said:
hatred for alcohol and rejects it whenever I use it, or even sometimes when I smell it.

I feel the same way about just takes one bad Tequila night to burn the rest of the joy. I must admit that I've really lowered my drinking over the past few years. I mainly havce the occasional beer with supper, depending on what I'm eating, and sometimes...some ice-cold vodka, straight.
I'm 27, saturated with Alcohol, don't have any piercings except the few cases where I was drunk and stepped on a rusty nail or accidentally stuck a fork or two through my appendages, no body mods other than the odd scars from being burned or sliced by things I couldn't really determine in my state were hot or sharp, and don't have any "ink" other than the scribblings on my back of some stipper from last weekend's guy's night out (btw, I don't know who "Malorie" is, but apparently I'm her bitch).

And some woman called me cool once, but I can't remember her name, or what she looked like. I'm pretty sure she was a woman though.

fury said:
What Bishop said. :beerbang:

Luis: I had a 1/4 glass of wine a few days ago, puked most of it up again

Whoa!! Now that's like, major alcohol-abuse dude.

............I think ya owe the alcohol like, a MAJOR apology, ok?:rolleyes: :D