The left hs spoken

chcr said:
Oh, and you keep trying to compare this with 9-11.

No, I'm not.

I'm comparing a leader to a politician. Rudy stepped up...which surprised me. Water is not the only thing getting deep in New Orleans.
Gonz said:
No, I'm not.

I'm comparing a leader to a politician. Rudy stepped up...which surprised me. Water is not the only thing getting deep in New Orleans.

Yes, you are.

Guliani reacted to an isolated if unprovoked attack on his city, Nagin is reacting to the complete destruction of his. At times he's reacting with anger and frustration but I think most people find that understandable. Interestingly, when the lives of virtually everyone someone knows or care about are destroyed, most people will react emotionally. Guliani also had federal help that day, not two days later. I understand why (well, sort of), but I also understand why Nagin would be frustrated. Of course, he's liberal in your book and that's your real problem with him. :shrug:

re your next response:
*sigh* Whatever you say, Polly.
I'm unaware of political affiliations. I assumed them by their responses. I still don't know for sure who is what. I've been saying this for days...who exactly am I parroting? I see it & I call it that way.

WWL: What can we do here?

NAGIN: Keep talking about it.

WWL: We'll do that. What else can we do?

NAGIN: Organize people to write letters and make calls to their congressmen, to the president, to the governor. Flood their doggone offices with requests to do something. This is ridiculous.
Yep, run your jaw & leave the work for those that can. Actions, not words solve problems.

As I headed the original post on this interview, nothing but accusation. That was founded by this...
WWL: Do you believe that the president is seeing this, holding a news conference on it but can't do anything until [Louisiana Gov.] Kathleen Blanco requested him to do it? And do you know whether or not she has made that request?

NAGIN: I have no idea what they're doing.
Gonz said:
As one guy said, finally, "I ain't got no job & no money, I'm just waiting for them to help us." Someday, we'll have to help ourselves. Gov't is there to fight the enemy & pick up the pieces, not to stop the problems.
Chapter and verse, Gonz, chapter and verse. Unfortunately while the conservatives preach smaller, less involved government, they do just the opposite. Yet another similarity with their ostensible ideological enemies that I shouldn't have to point out.

Re Nagin's reaction, no one told him what was happening or when anything would happen. His city was in ruins, his constituency in real danger and from his POV nobody was trying to help. He lashed out at the people he believed were at fault. Should he have measured his words more carefully? Probably. I don't think I would have either though. From the outside things look a lot different than from ground zero.

Oh, and re the popular contention that the state "must ask for military intercession," who was it in the chain of command who thought that they might not? Troops could have and probably should have been mobilized even before the hurricane came ashore. I don't think it's possible to be fully prepared for an event of this magnitude, but what's happened makes me shudder to think of what might happen in the event of a large scale terrorist attack. Clearly we are less rather than more prepared than we were four years ago, aren't we?

Honestly, in the first couple of days I saw a lot of hand wringing and blame assigning and very little in the way of real action (and everything I cared about wasn't washing away on the tide). I attributed it to shock. Now that things are happening, I think you'll find most people moving beyond that. It was a natural disaster beyond all expectations and no one is really to blame. If some people said stuff you disagree with, well you should certainly be used to that.
Gonz said:
Yep, run your jaw & leave the work for those that can. Actions, not words solve problems.

What resources does the mayor of a city under 10 feet of water have? Can a mayor deploy the National Guard? The Full Active Army? FEMA/DHS? All a mayor in this situation can do is ask for help. He, and everyone else in N.O., has nothing.
He is the Mayor. He needs to have a plan, ESPECIALLY if his city sits in Hurricane Alley & is ten feet under sea level. It's not the job of the federal gov't to care for New Orleans evacuation & recovery plans. That belongs to local & state gov't.

Yes, the Mayor can request of the Governor to deploy the Nat'l Guard. The federal gov't has no control over them unless & until they are natioonalized.

The Regular Army is not active in the area. Posse Comitatus.

FEMA did their job. The levee breakage was not part of the hurricane relief efforts. That was a sendondary disaster.

As for your last line, it points out my complaint perfectly. As the Mayor, his job is to prepare his citizenry for these things. Once the problems occur, his job is to make arrangements to fix the problem, not to piss & moan about everybody else not doing their job.
You're right. I'm watching the one where people are helping themselves* & using FEMA as a backup instead of those who are sitting on theire hands awaiting the cavalry to hand them a map, a smile, a coke & a color TV.

Last Sunday, on my way toward Memphis, I personally witnessed well over 200 emergency & relief clean-up vehicles with full crew compliments heading towards the south. Same as I witnessed a couple of months before in Alabama. FEMA was prepared for a hurricane...not for a toilet backup with moron citizens.

*in case you're wondering...Mobile, Biloxi, Gulfport
Gonz said:
You're right. I'm watching the one where people are helping themselves* & using FEMA as a backup instead of those who are sitting on theire hands awaiting the cavalry to hand them a map, a smile, a coke & a color TV.

Last Sunday, on my way toward Memphis, I personally witnessed well over 200 emergency & relief clean-up vehicles with full crew compliments heading towards the south. Same as I witnessed a couple of months before in Alabama. FEMA was prepared for a hurricane...not for a toilet backup with moron citizens.

*in case you're wondering...Mobile, Biloxi, Gulfport

In case your wondering, now color TV evidently works with no electricity. :rolleyes:

Ahh, fuck it.

Edit: Interestingly I just saw an interview with some folks from Gulfport who want to know why New Orleans is getting the lion's share of the support. Clearly you have your finger on the pulse of something... :rolleyes:
The cynical liberal said:
Interestingly I just saw an interview with some folks from Gulfport who want to know why New Orleans is getting the lion's share of the support. Clearly you have your finger on the pulse of something...

Could it be, perhaps, just possibly, because New Orleans has the largest population? ...Hmm...


1. If you live in a flood plain, you'd best be prepared for a flood.
2. If you live in a hurricane area, you'd best be prepared for a hurricane.
3. If you live in tornado alley, you'd best be prepared for a tornado.
4. If you live in an earthquake area, you'd best be prepared for an earthquake.

Etc ad nauseum

Get the point of what I'm saying? Bottom line is, that the population was ill-prepared, the states involved were ill-prepared, and the cities were ill-prepared. Everybody knew it could happen, but nobody believed it. That's why we have FEMA.
Gato_Solo said:
Could it be, perhaps, just possibly, because New Orleans has the largest population? ...Hmm...


1. If you live in a flood plain, you'd best be prepared for a flood.
2. If you live in a hurricane area, you'd best be prepared for a hurricane.
3. If you live in tornado alley, you'd best be prepared for a tornado.
4. If you live in an earthquake area, you'd best be prepared for an earthquake.

Etc ad nauseum

Get the point of what I'm saying? Bottom line is, that the population was ill-prepared, the states involved were ill-prepared, and the cities were ill-prepared. Everybody knew it could happen, but nobody believed it. That's why we have FEMA.

unclehobart said:
The bottom 5% always makes us look bad.

5% Nation of Looters.
5% Nation of Flood Plains.
5% Nation of Leeve Breaches.
5% Nation of FEMA.

5% Nation of Casiotone.