Well-Known Member
I think that it's more a matter of magnitude over preparadness. You prepare for 'x'. People know where the primary escape centers are...where you can congregate people, wherre the police and firefighters are going to be needed first, etc etc... then you get hit with two disasters. The first knocks out your primary plan and the flood takes out the rest. Now all your shelters are underwater, your police can't get to their first responce centers because you've got blown out bridges and flooded and impassible streets. MacGiver things... the Stadium idea is a good example.Gato_Solo said:Could it be, perhaps, just possibly, because New Orleans has the largest population? ...Hmm...
1. If you live in a flood plain, you'd best be prepared for a flood.
2. If you live in a hurricane area, you'd best be prepared for a hurricane.
3. If you live in tornado alley, you'd best be prepared for a tornado.
4. If you live in an earthquake area, you'd best be prepared for an earthquake.
Etc ad nauseum
Get the point of what I'm saying? Bottom line is, that the population was ill-prepared, the states involved were ill-prepared, and the cities were ill-prepared. Everybody knew it could happen, but nobody believed it. That's why we have FEMA.
I'm sure that it wasn't slated for use as a shelter, certainly not for that many people. Not enough bathrooms, no showers, weakened roof etc... You have FEMA with their hands full trying to rescue people off of roofs, but in the meanwhile someone drops the ball. That makeshift shelter for thousands of people isn't getting water or food.
Plan A went out the window when the CAT-5 storm turned and hit NO. Plan B got wiped when the levees broke through...Plan C's starting to crumble and still no backup.
Here's a question. MSNBC, CNN, a pile of other major networks local and worldwide saw the storm coming. They knew that it'd hit like a bastard and make one hell of a mess. With several days warning thanks to sattelite imagery, they knew that they had to get their reporters and cameramen in place. Hell, here on OTC, we knew that it'd be a doozie when it hit.
How come everyone knew that NO and company would need help once this thing blew over but FEMA didn't? Even without the levees breaking, NO and the surrounding area would've needed aid.
I don't quite get the delays....if it's beuracratic (they had to ask before we were allowed to help)...that's the most pityful excuse that I've ever heard. You don't wait for a written note before you pull a drowning man out of the drink.