The most expensive in US history

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Can we add the loss of the HABS to the Inauguration costs?

This is the 11th time the Canadiens played on a U.S. Inauguration Day and they had an 8-0-2 record in the previous games, dating back to Franklin D. Roosevelt's first inauguration on March 4, 1933. They beat the New York Americans 2-0 on that date. And the Canadiens were 7-0 on days when a Democrat was sworn in.

Here are the Canadiens' other Inauguation Day games:

January 20, 1945, Franklin D. Roosevelt, 5-2 over the New York Rangers. Jan. 20, 1949, Harry Truman, 2-1 over Chicago; Jan. 20, 1957, Dwight Eisenhower, 2-2 tie against Chicago; Jan. 20, 1965, Lyndon Johnson, 2-1 win over Toronto; Jan. 20, 1973, Richard Nixon, 6-3 win over Philadelphia; Jan. 20, 1977, Jimmy Carter, 6-2 win over Philadelphia;Jan. 20, 1993, Bill Clinton, 3-2 win over New Jersey; Jan. 20, 1997, 4-1 over Detroit; Jan. 20, 2001, 2-2 against New York Rangers.*

We lost 4-2 that day :(
id like to place my next years salary on that figure plummetting faster than rosie odonell in a wave pool

wait, i better clarify

salary. its what you get when you work for a living. it differs from government handout checks in that one must actually be productive to get it

there. that help any? new concept for libs i know. just trying to be helpful. your welcome

Do you ever make any legitimate arguments? I would bet that my salary is a good deal higher than yours.

Also if you want to make a large bet on that popularity I'm down.

Now how about you quit trolling and think about your comments a little bit.
how is holding someone at their word hypocritical? until you can answer that one thing, consider yourself clueless

One can only assume (and we all know what that word means) you have overlooked the obvious as the answer is elementary my dear Boy!
The logical deduction being, those who support the Bush Administration but fail to recognize or admit prevarications used by that administration to justify the invasion of Iraq; (a) don't recognize a lie when heard or seen or (b) has no knowledge of the definition of a lie.
When a person, in this case, h2oboy, suggests someone should keep their word, they obviously fall within the parameters of being called a hypocrite. You know, equal treatment and all that rot.

OH CRAP!! I forgot!! Within the ranks of the republican party, there is a rule that stipulates, if it is a republican (or Wall Street Broker) that tells the falsehoods, the rule relating to lies is null and void.

As for the bet, I'll take a slice of that wager once you define the terms of the bet since such a blanket bet covers a multitude of things that many would never consider a handout. Especially in light of the fact the Bush Administration made their donation to the financial industry, (ahem) without accountability.
Dems - the Party of Jackasses. There is nothing evil loves more than celebrating itself.

Trash is now running this country.
Those losers should have been on their knees thanking the man for keeping their ungrateful asses safe all these years.
Never forget, never forgive. :shrug:

Neat picture of Emanuel thumbing his nose !! Here's a website with the media reporting Vice President Cheyney, while on the senate floor, telling Senator Leahey to "go f* *k yourself."

You must admit, Vice President Cheyney is a real class act.

And you got that right about a party of jackasses. Hard workers. The jackass pulled more plows, tilled more soil, pulled more wagons across the country and barges along the canals in America, helping this country grow than did elephants. So, if yu choose to cast aspersions, do it properly. The jackass is a strong animal that helped America grow through hard work and the elephant contributed, what to the growth of this nation??

Addressing the comment; "trash is now running the country", no, this country is not being run by trash. And for Cerise or anyone else to make that suggestion, puts them on the same level or lower, as those who "booed" President Bush and Vice President Cheyney.

Those who "booed" President Bush and VP Cheyney upon their exit were definitely out of line and not well versed in common courtesy. And not all who "booed" might have been democrats. There is a very distinct possibility many were disgruntled and disillusioned republicans but no matter what of which political party, who they were, or what their reasons, they were definitely out of line. However, to categorize them as jackasses, if the reference was to the democratic party, the logic is easily refuted.

As for President Bush keeping us safe for the past seven years, then he must also assume responsibility for the attacks on 9-11-01 for it was within his power as President to stop those attacks as much as it his credit for keeping us safe since those attacks.
Do you ever make any legitimate arguments? I would bet that my salary is a good deal higher than yours.
Also if you want to make a large bet on that popularity I'm down.

Now how about you quit trolling and think about your comments a little bit.

constantly. whether one chooses to or is able to recognize them is not my concern

wanna compare pay stubs now huh? i must have rubbed a nerve. i make enough to support my family and three others on welfare. id say thats not too shabby

may i see your credentials for board mod? if not, stfu and take your medicine. you waited eight years to be in power. it all comes as a package deal. you get to dress your wife in versace or whatever, but you also get to pay the tab and answer for everything. one day and already your whining. tsk tsk
constantly. whether one chooses to or is able to recognize them is not my concern

Chooses or able to recognize what? I recognize that your arguments are often based on irrational premises. You should too.

wanna compare pay stubs now huh? i must have rubbed a nerve. i make enough to support my family and three others on welfare. id say thats not too shabby

No nerve rubbed, you just made an incorrect statement about liberals not working and I called you on it.

I'm willing to bet that I make a higher salary than you.

I'm also willing to take a bet from you on your claim about pres popularity.

So put up or shut it already.

may i see your credentials for board mod? if not, stfu and take your medicine. you waited eight years to be in power. it all comes as a package deal. you get to dress your wife in versace or whatever, but you also get to pay the tab and answer for everything. one day and already your whining. tsk tsk

Board mod has nothing to do with this. Nobody likes a troll. You're constant silly attempts at insults never work and if you talked like a grown up it could save you some embarrassment. Also if you thought about what were saying and didn't always start with a false premise you might have more luck in a conversation.
So put up or shut it already.

oooo, testiness. after just one day too. youll be bitter as peel by summer

imagine how sensitive were going to be if/when he actually does something!

its pretty easy to throw stones when your on the outside looking in, as you have demonstrated. but when your guys are piloting the ship and everybody starts slinging ammo at them, its quite different

yep, gonna be a fuuuuuun summer
oooo, testiness. after just one day too. youll be bitter as peel by summer

No testiness. I'm simply asking you to put your money where your mouth is and it looks like you can't do that.

its pretty easy to throw stones when your on the outside looking in, as you have demonstrated. but when your guys are piloting the ship and everybody starts slinging ammo at them, its quite different

I'm not sure where that came from, but it's really not that different.
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