The needs of the many outweigh the needs of the few

What's your position on torture

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Whether it's in our best interests to allow the torture of suspected terrorists for the meager returns in safety that it might bring us.
It's bad to eat pork...but they wouldn't be eating pork anyway.

Not that I seriously think that they actually get their 72 virgins etc... but they're certainly brainwashed into thinking so. Who's to say that they can't be brainwashed into thiking that this not only does not affect their martyrdom, but is a far better reason to continue on their path?

"Look what the American devils are doing to our martyr's bodies..they must be stopped!"
Pig Fat On Buses in Israel
I don't know if this was ever implemented. There was a serious problem 5+ years ago with terrorists blowing themselves up on crowded Israeli buses.
You'd figure that the buses with the pig-fat would be empty of Jews as well, eh.
Oh..and despite how the smell of pig-fat hanging from the ceiling might appeal to some riders, I doubt you'd find me riding such a bus myself.

"Oh that's alright. I'll wait for the next one"
Don't tempt me, woman. Do you have any idea how hard it is to board a flight wearing 5lbs of bacon strips and nothing else?