The new $20 bill. In color.


Unveiled today. And yes, it is still the same size. I hate money bills that aren't all the same size.


Seriously, should try plastic bills, they can take a lot.

In here we only have plastic $20s, it was a bit of an experiment, as those bills are the ones that gets the more use, seem to be working fairly good, maybe they'll implement the other denominations soon.
Maybe they should make them in recycled rubber...then my cheques wouldn't be the only things that bounced :):rofl:
They're in the process of changing our £10 note, the old one will no longer be legal tender after August. The new one is supposed to be harder to forge...
i meant the forge-proofing, i assumed it will be the same as the current fiver, the one that they forgot to add part of the forge-proofing to :D

who they sticking on the tenner now?
They are already in circulation... the Charles Darwin ones. To tell you the truth I haven't seen many of the older ones about anyway. It's just that after august they won't be accepted in the shops any more, but the banks will continue to take them until October, I think it said. After that, you have to send them to the royal mint for reimbursement.

Looks like all the little old biddies will have to take their life-savings to the bank after all. :)
If anyone doesn't like the way they look, they can send them to me.:headbang:
The problem with coming out with new bills to thwart counterfeiting is that the old bills are still legal tender. My boss sent me to the bank with $290 last weekend to switch to smaller bills. One was a $10 bill and the rest were $20 bills. One of the $20 bills was the old one, that got replaced in the mid-1990s. I'd almost forgotten what it had looked like.