The new bigotry

In Norway, the Prime Minister is angry at IKEA, a furniture manufacturer, because their instruction manuals show only men assembling furniture. The manuals are sexist and discriminatory according to Norwegian Prime Minister Kjell Magne Bondevik. Ah but there is a kink in the armor of the politically correct here my friends. Seems IKEA has opted not to show women in their manuals lest they offend Muslims. Quite the quandary these mental midgets have isn’t it? Whom shall they dare to offend?

The PC police certainly goes to far sometimes but I think it's pretty funny that the article describes it as "Perhaps the most disturbing bigotry on display in today’s world".

As if it compares to this....

July 19, 2005: Florida man convicted of murdering 3-year-old “gay” son: A Florida man stands convicted of second-degree murder after killing his 3-year-old son because he thought the boy might grow up to be gay. A Tampa jury on Thursday found Ronnie Paris Jr. guilty of second-degree manslaughter and aggravated child abuse in the death of his son, Ronnie Antonio Paris. According to The Tampa Tribune, the boy was beaten so badly that he became lethargic, stopped eating, and began wetting himself. On January 22 the boy went into a coma and died six days later. The child’s mother, Nysherra Paris, testified that her husband was trying to “toughen up” their son because he was worried he might grow up to be gay. Ronnie Paris will be sentenced next month, and he faces life in prison
So lets all put Racism, gay bashing, and mistreatment of women on the backburner and get outraged because IKEA was inconvenienced.
flavio said:
The PC police certainly goes to far sometimes but I think it's pretty funny that the article describes it as "Perhaps the most disturbing bigotry on display in today’s world".

As if it compares to this....

So lets all put Racism, gay bashing, and mistreatment of women on the backburner and get outraged because IKEA was inconvenienced.

Wow. I didn't know Bish was giving classes.

The IKEA statement was to point out that we're stuck climbing over ourselves in an effort to avoid offending anyone. And even those efforts wind up offending someone anyways.
Professur said:
Wow. I didn't know Bish was giving classes.

The IKEA statement was to point out that we're stuck climbing over ourselves in an effort to avoid offending anyone. And even those efforts wind up offending someone anyways.
I recognize that and can appreciate how annoying it is. Just saying it's nowhere near "the most disturbing bigotry on display in today’s world".
flavio said:
I recognize that and can appreciate how annoying it is. Just saying it's nowhere near "the most disturbing bigotry on display in today’s world".

I'd imagine that's a matter of perspective. Personally, while yours is truely a disturbing display of bigotry, it's also a disturbing display of mental instability. Worrying about the sexual future of a three year old ... the man was clearly insane. That's tragic

Whereas, the IKEA incident involves what is fast becoming evident: anarchy. Each and everyone out for their own gain. The slippery slope. The appeasers finally unable to feed the aligators fast enough to not get bitten themselves. That's the end of civilisation as we know it.
Professur said:
I'd imagine that's a matter of perspective. Personally, while yours is truely a disturbing display of bigotry, it's also a disturbing display of mental instability. Worrying about the sexual future of a three year old ... the man was clearly insane. That's tragic

Whereas, the IKEA incident involves what is fast becoming evident: anarchy. Each and everyone out for their own gain. The slippery slope. The appeasers finally unable to feed the aligators fast enough to not get bitten themselves. That's the end of civilisation as we know it.
That's amking a bit much of this. There's still plenty of violent racism and people like Matthew Shepard getting beaten and killed because he was gay. I've been in places where someone who looks asian was threated with violence and told to "go back to their own country".

What the article describes is in attempt to be more considerate people have gone too far sometimes. While the examples are certainly unfair they really only amount to annoyances and don't compare to the violence, mistreatment, intolerance, and persecution that certain groups have had to endure and are still enduring.

So there's a bit of over compensation manytimes but hopefully the pendulum will eventually center itself.
flavio said:
That's amking a bit much of this. There's still plenty of violent racism and people like Matthew Shepard getting beaten and killed because he was gay. I've been in places where someone who looks asian was threated with violence and told to "go back to their own country".

And I've been places where I was told to get my white ass out. Your point?
SouthernN'Proud said:
And I've been places where I was told to get my white ass out. Your point?
That things like that are a more serious problem than the examples in the article. Especially when there's violence or threats of violence.
So you think the Prime Minister of a country speaking to the media about the lack of female presentation in the sales catalogue of the largest furniture supplier/distributer in the world is a minor annoyance??? I'd say it's the peak of a damn big iceberg, and I hear Celine singing.
being PC is gay. ;)

Disclaimer: to any gay or PC person that might get offended by the above statement, all I have to say is go fuck yourself. Now you have a reason to be offended.

Professur said:
So you think the Prime Minister of a country speaking to the media about the lack of female presentation in the sales catalogue of the largest furniture supplier/distributer in the world is a minor annoyance??? I'd say it's the peak of a damn big iceberg, and I hear Celine singing.
As much as I hate the idea of Celine singing I'd say when compared to beatings and killings, Klan murders, ethnic cleansing, etc. it's relatively minor.
:rofl3: Y'all talk about "Klan murders" and Klan this and Klan that like they happen every day.

I guarantee more gang members off one another in three hours than the Klan kills in three years.

Get with the times. The Klan is all but dead.
SouthernN'Proud said:
:rofl3: Y'all talk about "Klan murders" and Klan this and Klan that like they happen every day.

I guarantee more gang members off one another in three hours than the Klan kills in three years.

Get with the times. The Klan is all but dead.
Prof talks about the PC police like it's "end of civilisation " what if we went back to the way the Klan used to be? Wouldn't that be far more alarming? Must be things are getting better.
In Norway, the Prime Minister is angry at IKEA, a furniture manufacturer, because their instruction manuals show only men assembling furniture. The manuals are sexist and discriminatory according to Norwegian Prime Minister Kjell Magne Bondevik.
Never heard that one before.

On a side note: We're rid of this guy.
