The new bigotry

Got plenty. Just bored with you already.

Did note one interesting little item though. Maybe you'll recognize where I found it.

I hate to advocate drugs, alcohol, violence, or insanity to anyone, but they've always worked for me.
Gato_Solo said:
The only reason this came about was the fear that somebody would be offended, so they chose a route they thought was inoffensive. Now a totally different group is offended. Naziism, slavery, ethnic cleansing, and gay bashing are bad, but those acts are illegal in most of the world, even if they are not heavily enforced. 'PC' is not illegal, and is, in fact, encouraged. If you can't see how this insidious attempt at eliminating diversity is going, then I feel sorry for you. The PC crowd preaches the total opposite of it's actions.
It's no use. I already tried to point it out and he glazed over it. Maybe if we could get Nancy Pelosi (whose district is right on the other side of the bay) to say it...
SouthernN'Proud said:
Got plenty. Just bored with you already.
That's a cop out. Just point out an inaccuracy of mine about the Klan already.

Did note one interesting little item though. Maybe you'll recognize where I found it.
Funny quote huh? Hunter S. Thompson was a riot.
The greatest threat to cultural diversity and cultural heritage is global capitalism, the "free" market and advertising. Not political correctness.

For the most part, what political correctness does achieve is merely to give bigots, latent or not, the chance to rage against something and ignore reality. It's not a big deal. Generally the effects are intangible and incredibly minor, and the vast majority of people go about their daily business thinking offensive thoughts and making offensive remarks.

Women don't get paid as much as men, more black people are poor etc. That's the world we live in. Political correctness won't change it.
Bobby Hogg said:
Women don't get paid as much as men, more black people are poor etc. That's the world we live in. Political correctness won't change it.

1. Women, in the same job for the same length of time (no breaks in work for pregnancies or child-care) get the exact same pay as their male counterparts. This has been proven time and again, yet people who wish to keep women victimized spew out that nonsense every time. Guess if you tell a lie enough it becomes truth...just like the Nazis said. :shrug:

2. There are more blacks, per capita, in the middle class than there are whites. What makes us seem poor is the constant focus of the media on the poorer minorities. What sheep don't realize is that those poorer minorities come, almost exclusively, from single-parent homes, and are second, and third, generation welfare recipients. But, hey. What do I know. I've only seen this type of racism all my life. Paint us out as poor, uneducated, and criminal, and you've got your permanent underclass ready to do as you tell them for the crumbs you hand down from your table.

That's the world you live in. You make victims out of everybody but folks like you, just to give yourselves something to do with your empty, meaningless lives, and then bitch about how it ends up.
Gato_Solo said:
1. Women, in the same job for the same length of time (no breaks in work for pregnancies or child-care) get the exact same pay as their male counterparts. This has been proven time and again, yet people who wish to keep women victimized spew out that nonsense every time. Guess if you tell a lie enough it becomes truth...just like the Nazis said. :shrug:

2. There are more blacks, per capita, in the middle class than there are whites. What makes us seem poor is the constant focus of the media on the poorer minorities. What sheep don't realize is that those poorer minorities come, almost exclusively, from single-parent homes, and are second, and third, generation welfare recipients. But, hey. What do I know. I've only seen this type of racism all my life. Paint us out as poor, uneducated, and criminal, and you've got your permanent underclass ready to do as you tell them for the crumbs you hand down from your table.

That's the world you live in. You make victims out of everybody but folks like you, just to give yourselves something to do with your empty, meaningless lives, and then bitch about how it ends up.

Well, without bothering to check the validity of your claims in regards to the US, in the UK a pay gap does exist between men and women, and black people do make up a disproportionate amount of those living in poverty.

However my comment was more concerned with my opinion that political correctness is neither the big deal it is made out to be, nor is it ever going to be a solution to society's problems.
Shanghai mega-building swaps round design for square after nationalist outcry

SHANGHAI, China (AP) - The Japanese builders of a Shanghai skyscraper that is to be one of the world's tallest have scrapped plans for a round hole through its upper floors after Chinese complaints that it looked like Japan's "rising sun" flag.

The newest design for the 101-storey, 492-metre-tall Shanghai World Financial Centre shown to journalists on Tuesday showed the circular hole replaced by a four-sided slot. Its developer, the Mori Building Co. of Tokyo, acknowledged receiving complaints but said the change was made for technical reasons.

"There was sensitivity," said Eugene Kohn, chairman of the tower's designer, Kohn Pederson Fox Associates.

The developer's president Minor Mori explained the change by saying that during lengthy planning delays in the 11-year-old project, he began to think the original design had "lost its freshness."

Construction of the slender, wedge-shaped building began in the mid-1990s and is due for completion in 2008. The original design called for a 50-metre-high circular hole through the tower's peak to reduce wind pressure on the structure and give it a distinctive profile.

But Chinese critics said the hole resembled Japan's "rising sun" flag, an image associated in China with Tokyo's brutal conquest of much of China during the 1930s and '40s.

Anti-Japanese sentiment runs deep in China. This spring mobs in Shanghai and other cities threw rocks and bottles at Japanese diplomatic installations, overturned Japanese cars and smashed Japanese businesses.

Kohn said the round hole was not based on any Japanese image but on the moon gate, a circular gateway used in traditional Chinese gardens.

The building - and its hole - had been praised by other architects.

The redesign is the latest chapter in an 11-year journey to completion for the skyscraper, being built at a cost of $910 million US. It ran into trouble when the Asian financial crisis virtually obliterated demand for new office space.

Shelved for six years, the project was revived in 2003, but criticism of the design soon surfaced in Shanghai and elsewhere, especially on Internet forums.

Another design proposed in the late '90s would have broken up the circular hole by putting an observation deck across the bottom of the space.

Kohn's new slot was "more beautiful, functional, less costly and easier to design," Mori said.

In 2003, Taiwan completed building the world's tallest skyscraper, a 510-metre-tall building that is about 50 metres higher than the former highest office building, the Petronas Towers in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. The highest freestanding tower remains the CN Tower, a 553-metre communications structure and outlook point in Toronto.

Just another minor inconvience.

Hotel plans to ban kids

LINZ, Austria (AP) - An Austrian hotelier has come under fire for his plan to ban children under 12 from his inn starting next spring because they disturb his adult guests, although dogs are welcome guests.

Roland Ballner, who runs the Hotel Cortisan on the shores of the picturesque Wolfgangsee in the province of Upper Austria, announced Thursday that he will only take in guests older than age 12 beginning May 1.

Ballner justified his unusual decree, saying young children were running around the hotel and grounds screaming and marking walls and new furniture with felt pens.

But his decision was condemned by regional officials, who said it would give the area a bad reputation, and by Sepp Schellhorn, the head of the Austrian Hotel Association, who called it excessive.

Ballner said he's convinced he'll still make money by refusing to let youngsters check in. Adults are welcome to bring their dogs, he added.

Come under fire for daring to be selective in his clientel?

SouthernN'Proud said:
Just as soon as you say anything factual, I'll point that out. Saves keystrokes.
Here's the grand total of everything I said about the Klan...

1. when compared to beatings and killings, Klan murders, ethnic cleansing, etc. it's relatively minor.

2. Don't know, they don't go around advertising their affiliation all the time (I think that's the point of the white sheets). How many do you know?

3. Prof talks about the PC police like it's "end of civilisation " what if we went back to the way the Klan used to be? Wouldn't that be far more alarming?

It really can't take too many keystrokes to have you point out where I got the facts wrong. Maybe you could start by identifying whether it's 1,2, and/or 3. ....or you can just admit that you were blowing hot air.
1. How many Klan killings you get out there in Oakland? How does that number stack up to Bloods, Crips, Black Gangsta Disciples, Mexican Mafia, Latin Kings, and any of the hundreds of other gangs?

Klan killings are damn near nonexistent. Yet some people just can't let their favorite stereotypes die.
2. The white sheets serve more than concealment. Read their literature sometime. And while they don't exactly advertise their affiliation, any Klan member will admit their membership if asked. If you knew anything about them, or had ever spoken to one, you'd know that.
SouthernN'Proud said:
1. How many Klan killings you get out there in Oakland? How does that number stack up to Bloods, Crips, Black Gangsta Disciples, Mexican Mafia, Latin Kings, and any of the hundreds of other gangs?

Klan killings are damn near nonexistent. Yet some people just can't let their favorite stereotypes die.
My statement was was about IKEA being inconvenienced "when compared to beatings and killings, Klan murders, ethnic cleansing, etc. it's relatively minor". I didn't say anything about the number of Klan killings compared to other types of killings.

Therefore there was nothing factually inaccurate in the statement. Since it amounts to an opinion that some types of bigotry are more alarming then others.
SouthernN'Proud said:
2. The white sheets serve more than concealment. Read their literature sometime. And while they don't exactly advertise their affiliation, any Klan member will admit their membership if asked. If you knew anything about them, or had ever spoken to one, you'd know that.
My statement "they don't go around advertising their affiliation all the time (I think that's the point of the white sheets)" is actually supported by yours here since you confirm that they don't advertise their affiliation and the sheets are used for concealment.

Therefore there is nothing inaccurate in my statement. You've just added that the sheets serve other purposes as well.
I believe the question is where do you personally draw the line as to what is insulting. No real impartial test for this exists especially when it involves a group that is typically stereotyped.

Good example is this:


Some people might find it offense but some might find it funny, even more people don't care because it doesn't directly effect them.....

Check this out it is an amazing documentary on the effects of discrimination.