The new capital of discrimination

I'll betcha the gays wouldn't be mouthing off if they knew they were talking at a bunch of gun nuts.
Having traveled around the country pretty extensively, I'd say that for all they're self-righteous liberal rhetoric Massachusetts is one of the most prejudiced, bigoted states in America. Always was as far as I could tell.

The KKK prolly thinks most of 'em are bigots...
But this time it's straight people who say they are being ridiculed as "breeders" and "baby makers."

This only goes to show their lack of knowledge of biology and how they came around to breath...
highwayman said:
This only goes to show their lack of knowledge of biology and how they came around to breath...

i think even gays are pretty sure how babies are made. something like "man put weener in girl, jiggle it til it squirt."
But this time it's straight people who say they are being ridiculed as "breeders" and "baby makers."

Ridiculed?? RIDICULED??

They should be ashamed to even feel they are being ridiculed by something so fucking natural as reproduction.
The homosexual agenda isn't here to make themselves accepted. They're here to take over. They wish to redefine normal & natural.
Gonz said:
The homosexual agenda isn't here to make themselves accepted. They're here to take over. They wish to redefine normal & natural.

bullshit. absolute fucking bullshit.
Gonz said:
The homosexual agenda isn't here to make themselves accepted. They're here to take over. They wish to redefine normal & natural.
In other words, they wish to be accepted as natural and normal. :rolleyes:

Edit: In fact, given the article, some of them are normal and natural assholes.
chcr said:
In other words, they wish to be accepted as natural and normal.

But they're not. Whether by choice or by chance, they do not fit any standard mold for reproductive normalcy.

I'm not against homosexuals. I'm against redefining words that have meaning. The can call themselves gay all day but that doesn't make them happy. They can wish to be normal-and they can be-by find an opposite sex spouse, not be redefining normal. Who they fuck isn't even the issue I's the new age mentality of making the world change to fit a new definition because THEY are uncomfortable with who or what they are.

The same silliness can be found in Handi-Capable. Bullshit. They're handicapped, or crippled. If they think they're not then let's see 'em run a 440 or reach an apple from a tree.

It doesn't make them lesser people. It makes them deluded fools who wish to pretend nothing is different. What's wrong with different?
Gonz said:
But they're not. Whether by choice or by chance, they do not fit any standard mold for reproductive normalcy.
[sarcasm]Given your overwhelming knowledge of biology, anthropology and the behavioral sciences, I have no choice but to accept your analysis of the situation.[/sarcasm] :lloyd:

Oh, and whether or not that's what you believe, I was trying to point out that what you were saying in the original post was that they don't really want to be accepted, they really want to be accepted. :shrug:

Oh, and saying "I'm not really against homosexuals" is exactly the same as saying "some of my best friends are colored." If you are (and you clearly are, every post screams it), don't say you're not. Stop trying to be PC.
Why does it matter?
I don't give a shit who you sleep with, unless you are sleeping with me and then I feel I have a definite say in the matter.
tonksy said:
Why does it matter?
I don't give a shit who you sleep with, unless you are sleeping with me and then I feel I have a definite say in the matter.

I couldn't care less, either...until you tell me that I have to validate what you are doing, whether I agree with it, or not,and there-in lies the problem.
And if it was only a matter of who you slept with, I don't think many people would have that big a problem with it. When they start demanding things traditionally only given to married couples (with the understanding that those are the sort of people trying to raise the next generation) I have a problem. After all, 'specially in Quebec where the common law marriage reigns supreme ... what's to stop Joe and Frank, jsut a couple of college buddies sharing an apartment, from demanding family insurance coverage? widow's benefits?
Is it validation or just respect? I am not sure myself.
Most of the homosexual folks I've known have not been in long committed relationship, either....but the ones I have known that were weren't overly concerned with societies views of the legality of their relationship. It was real to them and their partner and that's all that mattered to them.
As far as medical benefits and taxation purposes etc go, I'm not sure I see a problem with it. I mean, we let the straight folk change spouses every other year and don't bat an eye. Who really cares?