The New Krispy Kreme Calendar is out!


Well-Known Member
Gotta love them Krispy Kreme models :)
The sad thing is...unless you're one of the few with like super human motabolism you wouldn't have to eat krispie kremes everyday for very long beforey ou looked like that
Nixy said:
The sad thing is...unless you're one of the few with like super human motabolism you wouldn't have to eat krispie kremes everyday for very long beforey ou looked like that

Why do people always seem to gravitate to the extremes? Whatever happened to normal-sized models? Seems like they're either Olive Oyle, or the Krispy Kreme variety. :shrug:
Nixy said:
The sad thing is...unless you're one of the few with like super human motabolism you wouldn't have to eat krispie kremes everyday for very long beforey ou looked like that

Tell me about it. The 2nd ever KK opened in Quebec, opened about 10 minutes walk from my house. the first...20 mins from my afternoon job. How's that for temptation.

Seriously...everything, inclding KK, in moderation.
MrBishop said:
Tell me about it. The 2nd ever KK opened in Quebec, opened about 10 minutes walk from my house. the first...20 mins from my afternoon job. How's that for temptation.

Seriously...everything, inclding KK, in moderation.

So no more spamming in Kiddie Korner, folks. You heard De Bish! :D
kuulani said:
We only have one Krispie Kreme in this state ... and I have to take 2 planes to get to it. :crying4:

Now, if you walked/swam you'd have ALMOST burned off the total calories in one donut by the time you returned home :p
Nixy said:
Now, if you walked/swam you'd have ALMOST burned off the total calories in one donut by the time you returned home :p

That'd ever work...they don't sell them in HAVE t' buy a dozen. If you do go through the'd help you swim your was to my BBQ though :)
:D :D

hehe......that calendar is brilliant :D

Now.......where can I find 3,000 litres of baby oil and an olymipic sized swimming pool? :)
KK doesn't sell them in ones... but they have been known to give away free glazed donuts while you wait in line.
That's disgusting. I knew a young girl who was that fat. She couldn't even wipe her butt. She had to crap then take a shower to get clean.
alex said:
That's disgusting. I knew a young girl who was that fat. She couldn't even wipe her butt. She had to crap then take a shower to get clean.
major :tmi:

i wonder if you can will yourself to get that fat or if you have to have something glandularly is that a word?) wrong. :eh: i feel awful for people who are that large because (i think) that the majority of the time it so isn't their fault.
Now see, I don't even like Krispy Kremes. That's not what real donuts taste like.
tonksy said:
major :tmi:

i wonder if you can will yourself to get that fat or if you have to have something glandularly is that a word?) wrong. :eh: i feel awful for people who are that large because (i think) that the majority of the time it so isn't their fault.

Actually...the majority of the time, it is their fault. Those with glandular problems are in the minority. If you'd've mentioned psychological problems (self-esteem, etc), I'd've agreed
It was definately her own fault. She stole half a thanksgiving ham from my sisters fridge when she left to go home. Probably ate the whole thing before she got home.
Gato_Solo said:
Actually...the majority of the time, it is their fault. Those with glandular problems are in the minority. If you'd've mentioned psychological problems (self-esteem, etc), I'd've agreed
but...can't you see that weight coming? i mean, 10-15 pounds can sneak up on you...but jeez louise....that's alot of donuts!
chcr said:
Now see, I don't even like Krispy Kremes. That's not what real donuts taste like.
So glad I'm not alone on that. I think they taste like crap. No matter, means less of a line where I get my donughts.

Gimmie a true mom-and-pop baked coffee shop donught any day. :grinyes: