the old grey mare - she ain't what she used to be.


New Member
so i am having issues with my upcoming birthday. i haven't really had problems with any of the others...but this one is getting to me...i'll be a trigenerian...30....remember the old phrase "never trust anyone over 30"? that's me...i'm an old did those of you that are over 30 deal with 30?
Oh, get over it. You know the difference between your 20's and your 30's? Nothing.

Having a kid made me feel much older than 30 ever could.
HomeLAN said:
Oh, get over it. You know the difference between your 20's and your 30's? Nothing.

Having a kid made me feel much older than 30 ever could.
yeah...i think having toddlers and turning thirty in the same general time frame is the culprit.
Feh 30!

I barely noticed it when it came..other than the stupid gifts that I got from friends, like the tubes of Rub A535, and the cane, and the rented walker in the corner. :)

I've said it before, but here we go again. Age is mind over matter...if you don't doesn't matter. Belive me...the older you get, the less you'll dream about the good ol' days when you were in your 20's . From 20-29, you're still dealing with issues, and getting more thrown at you...things like kids, marraige, family, etc... in your 30's, you're starting to see the brighter side of those issues... a lot f them have dissapeared, or become joys instead of pains. Your 30's is when you hit your know more about what you ARE and what you want to do..and your goals are firmer and more achieveable.

It's a good're still young enough to party-hardy, enjoy the new technology, your kids are young enough to relate to instead of the snarky teenagers that you'll be dealing with in your 40's...and you're not all achy after sex :)

Consider this getting your second wind... run with it!!

oh...and may I be the first to say "Happy Birthday!"
Yeah when I hit twenty It was revelation of sorts....that I am so much younger than you guys :) , I mean you guys are ancient compared to me, yup...old geezers you all :devious:

I guess I will go through the same revelation when I hit 21, every year that passes by reminds me of this fortunate occurrence.

Oldie MC old olds.....*runs away*
MrBishop said:
Feh 30!

I barely noticed it when it came..other than the stupid gifts that I got from friends, like the tubes of Rub A535, and the cane, and the rented walker in the corner. :)

I've said it before, but here we go again. Age is mind over matter...if you don't doesn't matter. Belive me...the older you get, the less you'll dream about the good ol' days when you were in your 20's . From 20-29, you're still dealing with issues, and getting more thrown at you...things like kids, marraige, family, etc... in your 30's, you're starting to see the brighter side of those issues... a lot f them have dissapeared, or become joys instead of pains. Your 30's is when you hit your know more about what you ARE and what you want to do..and your goals are firmer and more achieveable.

It's a good're still young enough to party-hardy, enjoy the new technology, your kids are young enough to relate to instead of the snarky teenagers that you'll be dealing with in your 40's...and you're not all achy after sex :)

Consider this getting your second wind... run with it!!

oh...and may I be the first to say "Happy Birthday!"
:) i suppose you are right but i just feel so damn old and wrinkly and saggy and uncool all of a sudden....i'm sure i'll snap out of it...and i suppose i do still have my sexual prime to look forward to...
30 was not so bad...31 not quite as great...

32 killed me. I'm IN my thirties now. Not just at it, not just slightly over it, but IN it.

*sobs and runs from the room in tears*
HomeLAN said:
Oh, get over it. You know the difference between your 20's and your 30's? Nothing.

Having a kid made me feel much older than 30 ever could.

That says it all.
HomeLAN said:
Oh, get over it. You know the difference between your 20's and your 30's? Nothing.

Having a kid made me feel much older than 30 ever could.
The grandkid did it for me.

My son is twenty years younger than me. When he turned twenty-five a few years ago, he told me he felt old. I asked (foolishly perhaps) how he thought he was going to feel when he was forty-five. "Well, I guess I'll feel really old then." Goddamn kids!

Growing old is inevitable, growing up is optional.
chcr said:
Growing old is inevitable, growing up is optional.

I'll feel old when I find myself forgetting that life is to short for second guesses, regrets and missed opportunities.

33 and not giving a crap ;)
Leslie said:
30 was not so bad...31 not quite as great...

32 killed me. I'm IN my thirties now. Not just at it, not just slightly over it, but IN it.

*sobs and runs from the room in tears*

My poor, dear, Leslie. You are still young, sexy, and can have my towel any day. :brow:

30 is actually the best decade to be in. I called it my 'relaxation' decade. You have a job, the proper skills to exel, and the maturity to be consistent. When you hit 60 is when things start to fall apart. ;)
thanks guys :eh: i guess i am always a kid at heart and the harsh reality that i am not a kid in body is hard...but if ya'll silly folk can deal with can i.

sorry about the song, les....
Inkara1 said:
Hey Tonks, the people that used to say not to trust anyone over 30 are all over 50 now. Don't feel so bad. :D
Yeah, now we say never trust anyone under 30. :lol: