The pet peave that'll send you into a rage!


Well-Known Member
I cannot...nor will I ever, condone people who tailgate me...ever

I have slammed on my brakes and gotten rear-ended before...I drive a POS *piece of shit* but it's a big-ol' POS...with a solid frame and all-steel body...chances are...the little fuckin' honda Civics that do tailgate are made of plastic and will get turned into little plastic bits if they do hit me...too bad. :grumpy:

I've slowed down to 60kph in a 100kph zone to get people off my ass. :p

People who hit their high-beams...HA! They can crank that little fuckin' switch until their fingers bleed for all I care...if I'm speeding in the fast lane (and I DO SPEED) but still not going fast enough for them...they can pass on the right.

- End of Rave -
Ummm...Most states now have re-enacted the old "move right except to pass" laws. If I were you, I'd check that out before you decide to 'make' somebody pass on the right. Other than that, I agree with you. ;)
Assholes who won't get out of the fast lane when I want to pass...oh yea, hit your brakes. I've got 80,000 lbs behind me :D
its the people who sit in the middle lane over here that piss me off [the idea is that, like gato said, you keep left unless overtaking], they sit and sit while everyone backs up behind them and clog up the 'fast' lane.

usually sod all in the left lane anyways, dumbarses.
you can drive faster in the middle lane here, everybody chooses the highspeed lane, go figure.
Run the fuckers over, who linger too long, in the 'fast-lane', at the expense of a perfectly justified breaker-of-the-speed-limit!:D

(like Gonz said........)
In Tennessee, "turn signals are a courtesy, not the law." No one is courteous. You can tell the people that aren't from around here because they use their signals (me included). How lazy do you have to be not to be able to flip that little lever??????:mad: :mad: :mad:
Oh yeah, I really have two, the other one is "drive it or park it asshole."
chcr said:
You can tell the people that aren't from around here because they use their signals

Unless you're from Chicago. There the signal means speed up & close the gap :grumpy:
What really pisses me off is people who tailgate AND have the balls to flash their high beams and honk at me. I slow down to like 15 mph and as they cross over the double line to pass me, I give em the finger :D
Driving doesn't bother me like some people. I won't let my wife have a handgun cause she'd kill some poor bastard on her way to the grocery store. To me it's just part of driving.
PT, you got kids? I felt the same way, and still do if by myself. But IF I'm taking the kids somewhere, I'll go postal.

200th post!!!!!!!!!!!
Congrats, Cleveland! :beerbang:
Gonz said:
Concentrate on driving & not on who's #1 fury
Aww... :mope: Can I at least take a #2 in their car when they're not looking? :fart:
Oh...I forgot to add....I'm only in the fast lane when I'm passing. What ticks me off is when I'm passing and the fucker behind me won't wait for me to pass and move over.

I've got a kid...I've got a baby-seat...I've got those little stickers that say that I've got a kid in the back...if that wasn't enough of a hint to get off my ass...the idiot behind me's blind AND stupid, and shouldn't be on the road anyway.