The Photo Gallery

greenfreak said:
Want me to give him some? Mine will count more too, he'll get even more taken away than if you do it. I'd be glad to help. :p


You're a doll! *makes note to send Greenie more good karma tomorrow*

;) Though I'd never spread bad karma unless it's to a13. Or unless they really really deserve it.

or to NF. Bastard. :p
Thank you, Nixy. :D the sarong from :D Now I just gotta find a way to use it again ...

Dustin got married in a yellow silk shirt and white shorts - both of which he still wears, though not so often. *hehe*

We've agreed that if things don't work out and we gotta get a divorce then we'd have to go back to the bahamas to do it. :D
I wish my mom would have made that agreement. She'd have had to take everbody with her.
Rose said:
Thank you, Nixy. :D the sarong from :D Now I just gotta find a way to use it again ...

Dustin got married in a yellow silk shirt and white shorts - both of which he still wears, though not so often. *hehe*

We've agreed that if things don't work out and we gotta get a divorce then we'd have to go back to the bahamas to do it. :D

Ha! Good deal. :thumbup:

BTW, hubbie is looking a little sunburnt. :eek:
*hehe* That's partly the picture coloring, partly him holding me (I'm not light you know!) and we had been in the bahamas for two and a half days already by then. :D
Don't mind PT Rose, the lady in your av is hot, though by what I can see in your sig you doesn't stay behind.
BTW did you married Bruce Willis? :D
...and just how fast was he running when that picture was taken?!

Rose said:
Yep. May 24, 2002 (I think, the anniversary might be the 26? :s) We went to Nassau, Bahamas to get married. Didn't invite anyone. just went. :D
You don't know your anniversary date? That's a switch... most guys don't, and then the girls harass them for not knowing. :D
greenfreak said:
Be nice to fury lest we kick your ass. He's our man and we love him. :mad: :smash:

i dont love him since hes a guy(sorry fury) but dammit stewey dont say bad things about him hes da man! he rules all(and also all the cheese too) check in the lobby for the photo gallery.
freako104 said:
i dont love him since hes a guy(sorry fury) but dammit stewey dont say bad things about him hes da man! he rules all(and also all the cheese too) check in the lobby for the photo gallery.
Maybe I should have added a smiley at the end. I wasnt serious you know
fury is off limits when it comes to ridicule, thought you'd see that by now. :D

You and BCD are two newbies that need to be put in place. Nixy's gonna smack you around with a trout, I think. ;)

Sharky, you look prouder of your bare chest than that fish. :laugh: ;)
Sharky: I have emailed it to Bink. If you already sent it too then I guess he got it twice!!

Lissa: I remember when you first posted that picture at JJR's. Was that the same night that Oracle wore the underwear on her head?