"The Pill"


New Member
Most likely the ladies will know....if you take a BCP that is supposed to help clear up acne, does it generally get worse before it gets better?
FluerVanderloo said:
Most likely the ladies will know....if you take a BCP that is supposed to help clear up acne, does it generally get worse before it gets better?
anytime you add a new medicine (especially one that fiddles with your hormones) results like that can be expected...i'd give it a week or two and if it doesn't sttled out i would contact the doctor.
That's seems like a roundabout way to cure acne. Next they'll be saying that you can cure a sore back by cutting your toenails.
tonksy said:
anytime you add a new medicine (especially one that fiddles with your hormones) results like that can be expected...i'd give it a week or two and if it doesn't sttled out i would contact the doctor.
agreed. :)
Nixy said:
Acne is sometimes caused by horomone imbalances Prof

I know that. I was a teen for a few years, y'know. Back about the time you were enjoying the fragrance of your diapers. I was merely commenting on the use of contraceptives for clearing it up. At least they're not using acne creme to colour pansies. (work with it, you'll get it sooner or later)
Apparently this thing is the wonder pill. It helps acne, water and sodium retention, prevents benign cysts, cramps, mood swings and backaches.

I can only hope that it works.
i hated the pill...gotta take it every night...remember where you left them etc..i much prefer the shot and i think it has the same acne qualities as the pill but i could be mistaken...plus no periods!
Yeah, but then you blimp out and get water retention. Plus, it majorly screwed up my periods, and I bled constantly for just over three months. Ironically, now that I'm off it, I've had like 2 periods in a year and a half. :retard:
FluerVanderloo said:
Apparently this thing is the wonder pill. It helps acne, water and sodium retention, prevents benign cysts, cramps, mood swings and backaches.

I can only hope that it works.

At 16 should you even worry about half of those things?


Is stopping your periods normal? Should you be really messing with those?
Beyond the 'potential' fringe benefits of the BCP...please keep in mind that it's primary purpose is not 100% viable vs. pregnancy (both my GF and my bro-in-law are BC-Babies) and that the BCP is exacly 0% effective vs. sexually-transmitted diseases.

So...while your acne-free face'll get you laid...remember to use the condom too.

oh..almost forgot

Prof --> :poke: cheap shot!
IDLEchild said:

Is stopping your periods normal? Should you be really messing with those?
yeah...it's fine...your ovaries just don't release eggs and therefore you don't have a cycle...it's not like the eggs are gonna do any harm...you are born with a certain amount and when they expire they are just reabsorbed by the body if not released like normal.

BoP - dude...i'm sorry you had such bad luck with the shot.
Yeah, I hear the shot is awesome if you don't have a reaction. I never got it because for those who do have a reaction it's BAD cause it's on your body for 3months atleast...not like the pill that you can just stop taking.
Nixy said:
Yeah, I hear the shot is awesome if you don't have a reaction. I never got it because for those who do have a reaction it's BAD cause it's on your body for 3months atleast...not like the pill that you can just stop taking.
the pill raised my blood pressure...that's when i discovered the shot...when my doctor said "i'm not giving you another prescription"...3 months of possible reaction was better than the 2 alternatives (pregnancy or abstinence) :shrug:
Nixy said:
Yeah, I hear the shot is awesome if you don't have a reaction. I never got it because for those who do have a reaction it's BAD cause it's on your body for 3months atleast...not like the pill that you can just stop taking.

i actually loved the shot when i was on it ... no need to remember to take the pill & no period ... but when i went off it to conceive, my body revolted, mood swings rocketed & i didn't like the feeling.
BeardofPants said:
Um, yes. :retard: When I was a teen, I had WAY more painful cramps, and more pronounced mood swings than when I got older.

*nods* They actually thought I had endometriosis at one point. I know I'm about to share too much, but I have nearly blinding cramps, raging mood swings, and a nasty blood flow. Hopefully, this will work. I've only been taking it for about a week now.
you are going to notice a huge difference, Fluer, and probably when you come off in a few years for whyever, the problems will be just gone. :)
FluerVanderloo said:
*nods* They actually thought I had endometriosis at one point. I know I'm about to share too much, but I have nearly blinding cramps, raging mood swings, and a nasty blood flow. Hopefully, this will work. I've only been taking it for about a week now.

Like Les said, you are gonna notice a HUGE change. Mine are shorter, lighter, I'm less moody and the cramps are so much more bearable.