The Pope steps in it

maybe he is planning on doing the stand-up comedy circuit?

Hope he is good with hecklers when he plays the middle east ...

or maybe he stole the emperor's clothes ....
I am so excited I'm about to pee myself. November 2006 is going to be one of the bestest times ever. EVER!!

See, with a little help from the lessons taught by the Muslims in Europe, along with the press being scared shitless, the Christians are gonna revolt. I mean they're gonna tear the White House down. They're gonna blow up shit like the Golden Gate Bridge & Wal-Mart, all across America. From Portland to Portland, there'll be fires & murder & mayhem like you've never seen it. This is gonna so beat the LA Riots. Maybe I ought to buy a bigger memory card for my old ladies camera. FUCKIN'-A BIG.

Why, the uninformed may ask. Lemme tell you what will bring about such a wonderous event. See, after watching what happened to Europe, especially The Netherlands, France & Belgium after some retarded cartoonist caricatured Muhammed in some Dutch papers, the Muslims went nuts. Remember that? Fires, murder, bombs. Had ole Jacques shaking in his Guccis.
Then, the press, in a fit of pure panic, condemned that awful cartoonist & all but called for his death instead of using righteous indignation against the rioters. It was something to behold. Though, I was limited to web sites & the local paper.

NOT THIS TIME!!!! I'm gonna be right in the middle of it.

NBC, that fine television network, in its infinite wisdom, has decided to air a Madonna concert, in all its glory. Not the usual masturbating, writhing, sex goddess crap (hell, she's is over 40 now) but a in your face cross climbing thorny crown wearing evening of pure delight.

Let the fires begin. Gimme a hallelujah.

Kevin Reilly, an executive at NBC, told reporters ..."We (NBC) viewed it and didn't see it as being inappropriate,"


Where's the indignation over her murder? I see a few of you out here condemning the Pope for a speech, where only one line out of seven pages was used to stir up this shit, but nobody says a thing about the nun, or the churches burned, or the riots in the streets.

BTW...the quote the Pope used was to illustrate how things used to be....the past...

odd asscoiation with that bishop / pope cartoon .... he looks positvely camp ... even his rod is bent ...

guess some things never change huh? ;)

NBC is going to blink in its standoff with Christians over its decision to broadcast a "Confessions Tour" crucifixion stunt performed by Madonna, according to an organization that has been campaigning against the program.

"NBC does not want a fight with AFA and the Christian community," American Family Association chairman Donald E. Wildmon said yesterday. "NBC may wiggle and wobble, but in the final analysis, they will not show that scene.

"We expect a public announcement from NBC canceling the scene within two weeks," he said.

And in the news today: Muslim leaders are calling for the removal of the Catholic Pope.

How about someone start calling for the removal of some Muslim leaders in turn?
Now they're gonna have to invade Mexico. Good luck Luis.

A while ago I read one of those "funny" emails, it said the WTC attack was originally meant to be on Mexico.

When they arrived at Mexico City, they borded an illegal taxi, they got kidnapped, beated almost to dead and everything was stolen.

When they got out of the hospital, they decided to eat something, and they got a stomach infection that sent them back to the hospital.

After 2 weeks, they are out on the streets again planning their attack. When they arrive at the airport, they find the tickets they bought secretly are for a non-existant flight. So they have to buy another ones for the next week. Next week they come in a hurry to the airport, but the airline was on a strike.

The list goes on and on, and they finally think if a terrorist attack on our soil would affect us or do us a favour, they leave the country thinking that "you can't even make a terrorist attack" and swear to never come back. :lol: