The RCMP and marijuana


Well-Known Member
[font=verdana, arial, helvetica]A Montreal man calls the RCMP
-this is an exerpt from their call

"Hello..this is the RCMP, how can we help you?"
"Yes, I'd like to report my neighbor. His name is Michael Roscythe and he's smuggling marijuana in his firewood"
"Thank you sir."

The next day, a cadre of RCMP officers descend on Mr. Roscythe's house and rifle through his shed. With axes, they split open every piece of wood that they find there with no results.

Leaving in a huff, they curse Mr.Roscythe and the anonymous tipper.


"Hello? Roscythe residence."
"Hi Mike. Tell me. Did the RCMP just come to your house and chop up all your firewood?"
"Yeah Bob, they did."
"Happy Birthday buddy!"
