The Real Electoral Map



Yeah we are fine being thought of as
Gun luvin'
Jesus fearin'

Kerry wouldn't even admit to being Liberal!
Gonz said:
Liberal is an insult?

Nope, but many things you (and other conservatives) say about them are. Just as many things liberals say about conservatives are. The current divisiveness in America is a direct result of both sides refusing to accept the fact that the vast majority of Americans are neither one. I personally believe this is an intentional ploy to further polarize the country. This is exactly what I mean when I say that they are opposite sides of the same coin. The real reason the democrats lost was that they failed to espouse a clear plan for America opting instead to snipe at Bush's record with lies, innuendo and left-wing platitudes. Bush ran his campaign in much the same way, but he was the incumbent and most people believe in "the devil you know." Kerry would not have been the unmitigated disaster you seem to believe, neither will Bush be the resounding success you seem to expect. Four years from now we'll do it all again and probably be even more divided.

1. Something said or done to evoke laughter or amusement, especially an amusing story with a punch line.
2. A mischievous trick; a prank.
3. An amusing or ludicrous incident or situation.
A. Something not to be taken seriously; a triviality: The accident was no joke.
B. An object of amusement or laughter; a laughingstock: His loud tie was the joke of the office.
neither will Bush be the resounding success you seem to expect.

That is to be seen. I believe in our system & have expectations. They are usually met by the leaders in which I believe. Every American is liberal or conservative. Not every American is rabid about those beliefs. Look at how people live, in their day to day life. A vast majority of Americans are conservative.

Mark, no, it's not. Every single one of your jokes is at the expense of our President which turns it into some type of passive aggressive attack.
AWW poor widdle pwesident Bush!

My heart beats purple peanut butter!

Guess what?!? I have every right to question and attack the president with my words or ideas. This is, after all, still America!
Mark said:
I have every right to question and attack the president with my words or ideas.

That is not true. Slander and libel are illegal. You may not threaten the President.

However, in the general use, you are correct. When do you plan on using YOUR idea's or words?
Like GOnz said you really cant insult someone but you can say you dont like what he did and question his motives.

:rofl: @ both maps tho MD is liberal so it shoulda been dont blame us
The people who make up this stuff are far more talented than I in the comedy department. For that matter Bush himself is funnier than I am. So I will continue to share things that I find amusing, in hopes others might find them amusing too.

Contrary to your beleif I disagree with the president's policies all on my own without help from anyone else. My opinion is that he's a figurehead with far below average intelligence. If you want to bring up his "degree", in my belief it's nothing more than a gentleman's C because they didn't want to flunk out such a wealthy and powerful man's son.
Stating your opinions is and always has been legal....At least til Bush gets around to abolishing free speech.
a law that limits speech like that will never be passed. He still has to get it through Congress
Gonz said:
Every American is liberal or conservative.
Sorry, wrong.

The sad thing is, I believe you're really that naive.

I agree with some liberal stuff, I agree with some conservative stuff, and I disagree with a lot of the bullshit that spews from both sides, just like almost everybody else. I believe you have a severely limited understanding of the country as a whole. :shrug: You're statement shows as much.
I've traveled for a living since I was a teenager. Coast to coast to coast. In virtually every part of every state (save MN, ND, SD & MT) Music, then trucking. I deal with people every day. Have in every single job I've ever had.The naivete you indicate I must suffer may well be yours. Watch how people react, not what they say. Look at the manner in which people live, not it what they claim. One need not be a radical anti-abortion christian to be conservative. One need not be a homosexual schoolteacher in San Francisco to be liberal. There are varying degree's but in the end, every body is on one end or the other of the center line.
saying every american is either liberal or conservative is rather limiting. there are varying degrees. to me that is like saying colors are either red or violet.