I can be discreet, but I am rarely cautious, other than that I am none oof the above.conservative
Function: noun
1 a : an adherent or advocate of political conservatism b capitalized : a member or supporter of a conservative political party
2 a : one who adheres to traditional methods or views b : a cautious or discreet person
I'm not really this way either. I prefer the tried and true (where it works) and think unchecked individual rights is akin to anarchy.liberal
Function: noun
: a person who is liberal: as a : one who is open-minded or not strict in the observance of orthodox, traditional, or established forms or ways b capitalized : a member or supporter of a liberal political party c : an advocate or adherent of liberalism especially in individual rights
I think that everyone has a little conservatism and a little liberalism in them.
chcr said:Misuse or misunderstanding of the language...use the words that fit.
....their words.Gonz said:Which words might that be?
Gonz said:Which words might that be?
Leslie said:/I may joke and bandy it about and have a fun little custom title here, but in truth, I vehemently object to being labeled with traits which I certainly do not possess simply because someone has decided that because I believe *blank* I must therefore do *blank* and in turn believe *blank*. As I'm sure others do.
Leslie said:Accurate? I don't think so.
People keep tellin' me I obviously believe *blank* or act in *blank* manner and it simply doesn't fit.
My dad votes conservative but he certainly is no biblethumping guntoting freak.![]()
Aah. So then it's your contention as well that everyone espouses either a liberal or conservative philosophy. That was the statemenent I had a problem with. I don't even agree that everyone has conservaqtive or liberal "leanings" (which was what I think he was real trying to say) because his supposedly non-existent middle is in a different place for each individual. That argument is semantics, the original argument is accuracy. You know what, though? I really don't care. It's just fun to light you guys up like a roman candle.ResearchMonkey said:I have an understanding of the discussion.
Gonz worded his statement as he saw fit. But that wasn't good enough. So if he says something other then what HE meant to say, it would be someone else words now wouldn't it.
I have played this word game before Chcr, its a funny was of trying to trap people by forcing the wording of a debate to be just so and thus confirming the absoulte correctness of the debater (anal stickeler party).
It's cute and all, but doesnt hold water like you think it does.l