The Real Electoral Map

my definitions are kinda basic but I will give it a shot and see how I fare.

Conservative: Believes heavilly in traditional values, does not like change or will allow a gradual change.

Liberal: Believes in progressive values. Likes change, does not believe in tradition nor traditional values.

How do does fit you Chic?
The part we're having a problem with is that I don't believe you necessarily have to be one or the other, Eric.

Function: noun
1 a : an adherent or advocate of political conservatism b capitalized : a member or supporter of a conservative political party
2 a : one who adheres to traditional methods or views b : a cautious or discreet person
I can be discreet, but I am rarely cautious, other than that I am none oof the above.
Function: noun
: a person who is liberal: as a : one who is open-minded or not strict in the observance of orthodox, traditional, or established forms or ways b capitalized : a member or supporter of a liberal political party c : an advocate or adherent of liberalism especially in individual rights
I'm not really this way either. I prefer the tried and true (where it works) and think unchecked individual rights is akin to anarchy.

I belong to neither the liberals or the conservatives but think some of what each side says has merit. I also tried to point out that I am far from unique or even unusual in this position. The real problem in my view is that Gonz wants to change the definition to fit his neatly ordered world and I don't think it works that way. :shrug:

Just as an aside I think that everyone has a little conservatism and a little liberalism in them. This does not necessarily make them liberals or conservatives. These are simply arbitrary labels that have been applied to certain groups starting in the Reagan era. Recently both sides have been trying to broaden the interpretation to further the "you're either with us or against us" mentality. I think most of us are too intelligent not to see through this which is why I say most Americans are neither conservitives or liberals. Let's find out.
I would say I am a liberal, but in some areas I am considered conservative. so I do fit a little more in liberals and a more progressive, grey area kind of thiough
I think that everyone has a little conservatism and a little liberalism in them.

As do I. Although labels are hardly anything new. Liberal & Conservative just happen to be more fitting that communist/fascist which denote the extreme to either spectrum. I am surprised by your vehement displeasure at something as benign as a political stereotype.
Misuse or misunderstanding of the language. I could give a shit about political stereotyping. If you're going to make sweeping generalizations (usually if not always an error) use the words that fit.
Gonz said:
Which words might that be?

The ones you used later. Conservativism and liberalism fit. Conservative and liberal did not. Like I said, one of my pet peeves.

RM, perhaps understanding the discussion before you comment might serve you better. In the context of the discussion, "their words" means what exactly? The English? The Americans? :shrug:
I have an understanding of the discussion.

Gonz worded his statement as he saw fit. But that wasn't good enough. So if he says something other then what HE meant to say, it would be someone else words now wouldn't it.

I have played this word game before Chcr, its a funny was of trying to trap people by forcing the wording of a debate to be just so and thus confirming the absoulte correctness of the debater (anal stickeler party).

It's cute and all, but doesnt hold water like you think it does.l
erm...yes, Gonz worded it as he saw fit, and others have disagreed with the statement as worded. English is funny that way, change a word or phrase a little, and a sentence takes on an entirely new meaning.

/I may joke and bandy it about and have a fun little custom title here, but in truth, I vehemently object to being labeled with traits which I certainly do not possess simply because someone has decided that because I believe *blank* I must therefore do *blank* and in turn believe *blank*. As I'm sure others do.
-ism is the act on a belief. I don't recall saying every American consciously partakes in the -ism part. I just said they are one or the other, which I happen to completely believe. I also described what I mean by that. Their lifestyle. How they chose to live their life can be described as one or the other. By a huge margin, it's primarily conservative. The day to day choices one makes define those people. Even Michael Moore or Sean Penn have conservative moments. It doesn't make 'em Jehovah's Witnesses.
Leslie said:
/I may joke and bandy it about and have a fun little custom title here, but in truth, I vehemently object to being labeled with traits which I certainly do not possess simply because someone has decided that because I believe *blank* I must therefore do *blank* and in turn believe *blank*. As I'm sure others do.

Why do you object to a word which aptly describes a majority of your beliefs? Politically, we are polar opposites. Realistically we have many common beliefs (you closet conservative). I do not understand the objections.
Perhaps I object to the traits assigned these labels by the 'opposites' rather than the actual labels, and therefore object to the labels themselves.
The traits are accurate..applied equally. They may be taken to the extreme but they are still accurate.
Accurate? I don't think so.

People keep tellin' me I obviously believe *blank* or act in *blank* manner and it simply doesn't fit.

My dad votes conservative but he certainly is no biblethumping guntoting freak. :lloyd:
Is he deeply offended by the term conservative? Or does he take the time, when it may matter, to explain he's a pagan gunhater?
I don't know...we don't sling words like that at each other with bile. And I don't recall ever discussing guns with dad.
We vote what we vote, it's noone else's business, end of story.

I frankly haven't the foggiest idea what any of my RL friends nor my extended family vote. It just doesn't matter. We aren't our political parties, we're people first.
Leslie said:
Accurate? I don't think so.

People keep tellin' me I obviously believe *blank* or act in *blank* manner and it simply doesn't fit.

My dad votes conservative but he certainly is no biblethumping guntoting freak. :lloyd:

would he consider himself conservative? and did you have to use the term freak :grumpy:
ResearchMonkey said:
I have an understanding of the discussion.

Gonz worded his statement as he saw fit. But that wasn't good enough. So if he says something other then what HE meant to say, it would be someone else words now wouldn't it.

I have played this word game before Chcr, its a funny was of trying to trap people by forcing the wording of a debate to be just so and thus confirming the absoulte correctness of the debater (anal stickeler party).

It's cute and all, but doesnt hold water like you think it does.l
Aah. So then it's your contention as well that everyone espouses either a liberal or conservative philosophy. That was the statemenent I had a problem with. I don't even agree that everyone has conservaqtive or liberal "leanings" (which was what I think he was real trying to say) because his supposedly non-existent middle is in a different place for each individual. That argument is semantics, the original argument is accuracy. You know what, though? I really don't care. It's just fun to light you guys up like a roman candle. :lol:

If you want to debate, learn how to express yourself accurately.

Edit: Plus, I was in a pissy mood.