The rest of the story

Lets say the US pulled out. Then what?

Surrender, convert, or the fire:

Azzam al Amrikee said:
To Americans and the rest of Christendom we say, either repent (your) misguided ways and enter into the light of truth or keep your poison to yourself and suffer the consequences in this world and the next.
Giving $20,000 to the families of suicide bombers sounds like "aiding and abetting terrorism," and it's common knowledge that Iraq did that.
Giving $20,000 to the families of suicide bombers sounds like "aiding and abetting terrorism," and it's common knowledge that Iraq did that.

Any reports Ive seen ,say Saddam "said" he was giving them money and as we know he never lied to make himself look like a big man in the Middle East.
So we were supposed to believe him when he said the WMDs were gone, but not when he was claiming to give money to the families of suicide bombers?
Any reports Ive seen ,say Saddam "said" he was giving them money and as we know he never lied to make himself look like a big man in the Middle East.

He also said he had WMDs. Since we witnessed the aftermath of those & as th eleader of his country, we had to take him at his word.

He had WMDs & he supported terrorism.

Look, two reason to invade.
Do you have any idea how old & tired that bullshit line is? Frankly I'm sick of defending agaiinst this lie.

Mr. Bush is on record saying that Iraq had nothing to do with 9/11. You calling him a liar?

Take off your blinders.

What blinders? Be specific if your going to say something like that and try backing it up.

Again, you show zero understanding of how the real world works.

Please tell me and back up your statement.

Yes, it does. Having the integrity to stand firm in the face of adversity, even from some of your own people & at risk to your political future, to follow through on your word takes integrity.

No, going against what the people want and continuing to perpetuate a farce takes balls but zero integrity.
spike said:
No, going against what the people want and continuing to perpetuate a farce takes balls but zero integrity.

Skewed polls and Liberals---the outcome is inevitable. When it's election time and the Democrats lose again they will cry the election was "stolen" from them, because the polls led them to believe otherwise.

highwayman said:
It appears to me that Iraq has supported terrorism past and present...

Skewed polls and Liberals---the outcome is inevitable. When it's election time and the Democrats lose again they will cry the election was "stolen" from them, because the polls led them to believe otherwise.

Go ahead an tell me why you would think the 5-6 polls I I linked are "slanted" an dwhy you try and change the subject. This should be a good laugh.
fickle bunch aren't we?
The pattern of public opinion on Iraq — strong support for the first two years that then erodes — is reminiscent of the Korean and Vietnam conflicts, he says.

Folks just don't like war that acts like war.
Folks just don't like war that acts like war.

No, folks just don't like war where there is no evident threat to the US. Just coincidentally they're not real fond of wars based on lies and half-truths either.
I'm just curious about how many of that 60% of the Us population has any understanding to back up that statement. I'd wager that more than 60% of them couldn't find Iraq on a map ... even tho it's been the background picture on pretty much every newscast for the last couple of years. I'd double down that at least 10% would point to Isreal instead too.
Go ahead an tell me why you would think the 5-6 polls I I linked are "slanted" an dwhy you try and change the subject. This should be a good laugh.

CNN Poll conducted by Opinion Research Corporation



think progress: "radical right wing agenda"

polling newsweek, cbs, cnn, abc, associated press, nytimes, usatoday, gallup

The subject hasn't changed. Believe slanted polls all you want. You will be sorely disappointed in '08.

And in regards to the poll questions that ask who could do a better job with the GWOT, what exactly IS the Democrat's plan in that area?

I guess I have missed your favorite media outlets headlining their plan.
All public opinion polls are biased. Their real intention is not to measure public opinion but to sway it. This is as true for conservative ones as for liberal.
I'm just curious about how many of that 60% of the Us population has any understanding to back up that statement. I'd wager that more than 60% of them couldn't find Iraq on a map ... even tho it's been the background picture on pretty much every newscast for the last couple of years. I'd double down that at least 10% would point to Isreal instead too.

I wonder the same about the 40% and how many of them "think war is retaliation for Saddam’s role in 9/11" like the 90% of the troops. Crazy.
CNN Poll conducted by Opinion Research Corporation



think progress: "radical right wing agenda"

polling newsweek, cbs, cnn, abc, associated press, nytimes, usatoday, gallup

The subject hasn't changed. Believe slanted polls all you want. You will be sorely disappointed in '08.

So their slanted because they come from news agencies and polling agencies? That is funny.
I wonder the same about the 40% and how many of them "think war is retaliation for Saddam’s role in 9/11" like the 90% of the troops. Crazy.

Fair point. But it only goes to reaffirm that public opinion is nothing to guide a country by, no matter how it's reported.
Public opinion is a pretty big part of democracy. If you take into account most of the Iraqis want us to leave and it's their country, most of the troops want us to leave and their the ones doing the work, and most of the US citizens want us out and their the ones footing the bill.

Time to get the hell out.
So their slanted because they come from news agencies and polling agencies? That is funny.

Even funnier that you can't name one plan the Democrat party has put forth on how to secure our country from terrorism from without and within. :shrug:
how many of them "think war is retaliation for Saddam’s role in 9/11"

That would be the over 90% of the American liberal, used by the demoncrat party spinners to affect poular opinion.

I wonder, were there opinion polls taken in the 1940s? Or was that saved for Korea & later?