The rest of the story

How is the US safer since Iraq wasn't a threat? Stability in Iraq not going to happen but would be far more stable if the US left. 80% of them want the US out, staying is causing increased "insurgency" and instability.

Do you think we could contend with Iran if we didn't bring democracy and self-rule to Afghanistan and Iraq? Stability can't happen overnight, but it is far from its' infancy:

22 Aug. 2006
Multi-National Corps – Iraq Press Release

CAMP AL ASAD, Iraq – More than 500 Iraqi men were screened and accepted for service as police officers in their local communities during a three-day recruiting/screening drive in Iraq’s western Al Anbar Province recently.

Including the 500 new applicants, western Anbar Province will have more than 2,200 police officers in uniform.
Rector attributes a variety of “variables” to the success of the recruiting drive – consistent pay, new and better police equipment, and a rigorous screening process to ensure only high-caliber candidates are accepted.
“They’re getting paid, they realize the benefits, (and) the environment’s becoming more secure,” said Rector. “They want to serve.”

Progress is made every day, but if it doesn't bleed, and doesn't criticize the Bush Administration, it doesn't lead.

I guess I missed the answer: All this talk about how terrible things are going in Iraq and how the terrorists are winning because of Bush, what is the Democrat's plan to bring stability and order to Iraq?
They despise our lifestyle & the fact that we're not Muslim. Everything else is pudding.

That's hysterical if you believe that. We do have many Muslims in our country and do "they" despise other countries that have a similar lifestyle to ours? Kinda takes the wind out of that theory.

But if you're told "they hate our freedoms" you just swallow that BS with no further thinking.
Do you think we could contend with Iran if we didn't bring democracy and self-rule to Afghanistan and Iraq? Stability can't happen overnight, but it is far from its' infancy:

I guess I missed the answer: All this talk about how terrible things are going in Iraq and how the terrorists are winning because of Bush, what is the Democrat's plan to bring stability and order to Iraq?

Since we brought instability to Iraq and the fact that they want us out is driving the insurgency my plan is to leave like the Iraqis, the US soldiers, and the US citizens want us to as I said before.

None of this has anything to do with "contending with Iran" by the way.
do "they" despise other countries that have a similar lifestyle to ours?

Oh, you mean the non-fanatics that emigrated away from zealots & towards 7-11.

But if you're told "they hate our freedoms" you just swallow that BS with no further thinking.
Beats your innate ability to not think & not be told anything.
Oh, you mean the non-fanatics that emigrated away from zealots & towards 7-11.

No I mean countries with similar lifestyles to ours that aren't hated. The "they hate our freedoms" theory is ridiculous.
It's true. Just because you aren't enabling yourself to see past the self-imposed PC border doesn't mean it doesn't exist.

We're talking about a group of people that force women to wear garments that do not expose any skin. Should skin be exposed they beat the woman. If enough skin is exposed they kill her.
They don't allow women to become educated.
They will not rest until the infidel is dead...not converted but dead.
To them, freedom is being allowed to read the Koran 24/7 & living by its rules. No alternative is allowed.
The hate our freedom is exactly the problem.
It's true. Just because you aren't enabling yourself to see past the self-imposed PC border doesn't mean it doesn't exist.

We're talking about a group of people that force women to wear garments that do not expose any skin. Should skin be exposed they beat the woman. If enough skin is exposed they kill her.
They don't allow women to become educated.
They will not rest until the infidel is dead...not converted but dead.
To them, freedom is being allowed to read the Koran 24/7 & living by its rules. No alternative is allowed.
The hate our freedom is exactly the problem.

There's many countries that are quite a bit loose about exposed skin and have similar freedoms. Obviously it's not the issue.

Hint: It's the meddling
Do I really need to spell out the entire thing to you piece by piece?

No, I think not. You are tiresome.
I gave you a hint. You should at least have a much better guess than "our freedoms" by now.

Yet, we sure are giving up "our freedoms" pretty quick as if it's going to help.
???? said:
"Those who doubted whether Iraq or the world would be better off without Saddam Hussein, and those who believe today that we are not safer with his capture, don't have the judgment to be President, or the credibility to be elected President.

???? said:
"In the four years since the inspectors left, intelligence reports show that Saddam Hussein has worked to rebuild his chemical and biological weapons stock, his missile delivery capability, and his nuclear program. He has also given aid, comfort, and sanctuary to terrorists, including Al Qaeda members...

It is clear, however, that if left unchecked, Saddam Hussein will continue to increase his capacity to wage biological and chemical warfare, and will keep trying to develop nuclear weapons."

???? said:
We must combat an unholy axis of new threats from terrorists, international criminals, and drug traffickers. These 21st century predators feed on technology and the free flow of information... And they will be all the more lethal if weapons of mass destruction fall into their hands.

???? said:
"We have not reached parity with them. We have the right to kill 4 million Americans -- 2 million of them children -- and to exile twice as many and wound and cripple hundreds of thousands. Furthermore, it is our right to fight them with chemical and biological weapons, so as to afflict them with the fatal maladies that have afflicted the Muslims because of the [Americans'] chemical and biological weapons."

I didn't really want your plan. Somewhere out there has got to be the Democrat Plan for Defense of America and Defeating Terrorism Here and Abroad.

However, that plan should be based on the nature of the threat, the abilities, and determination of the enemy to carry out their threats instead of on polling data.

By the way, a nuclear-armed Iran is not an option. They have already stated their desires for the US and Israel.