2minkey: If you saw the word "Expressway" you were likely on the Gardiner (west of the closure)

yup that is exactly what i saw... the sign for it, at least.

it's still bloody cold out. i just got pelted with micro-snow as i left dinner...
yup that is exactly what i saw... the sign for it, at least.

it's still bloody cold out. i just got pelted with micro-snow as i left dinner...

Of course it's's Toronto in March...what did you expect?

And downtown is typically a couple degrees warmer than where I am...
I haven't asked you what you're up to in these, what are you up o in these parts?
i'm interviewing consumers around toronto about how they shop - i do retail (and consumer good) consulting, based on direct consumer feedback.

things will get more fun tonight, when my girlfriend arrives. she's staying until sunday night, and is from here originally...

i was told yesterday there's a cool himalayan restaurant (roasted yeti, anyone?) on/around queen street and john... gotta check that out, er, oot.
all that edumacation for a phD & you end up a mall marketing guru?

Queen and John eh? If it wasn't so damn cold out I might try to stalk you :p
P.S. You can interview me about how I shop from the comfort of your hotel room :brow:

HERE! ONLINE! You perverts!!!
i wish my job was that simple...

I can just see you. Your powderblue jacket & clipboard, wandering around saying..."You look really stupid. Let me invade your otherwise pointless existence with my superior intellect...I did tell you I got a PhD didn't I...and find out what kind of crap we can manufacture to have you spend your pitiful sum of cash on every week. Come imbecile, bow down before me?"


I just hope you run across Props. :lol: