The snow is here

As long as it stays up in the mountains I'm happy. it ain't no fun snowshoeing on mud though, so hopefully a lot falls this winter up there.
Gato_Solo said:
But don't you get time off from work when it snows? I don't, but I like to watch the idiots thinking four-wheel-drive means they can stop on a dime on ice...Happens here in SC every time it snows. :D

Hell, no. Unless it's bad enough to completely shut the office (ain't gonna happen), I need to be here. Last time it snowed here, it dropped about 3 inches. In to work I went.
PostCode said:
As long as it stays up in the mountains I'm happy. it ain't no fun snowshoeing on mud though, so hopefully a lot falls this winter up there.

But some of us LIVE in the mountains!

OK, granted, the southern Appalachians not the Canadian Rockies, but still...Hate the damn stuff.
MrBishop said:
I'm itching for the first decent snowfall. We've had a few flurries but nothing stuck at all. :(

Gimme 12" of sticky snow and watch me go. Love the stuff...looking forward to snowmen, snowballs, sledding, forts etc...

Winter is my fav season :D

The only thing that I want this Chrstmas is an RPG and a box of grenades...for the snowplow operators. They are the REAL bastards of winter!

I love all those things about winter too...but now that I have responsibilities I do not enjoy winter so much because it's a pain in the arse to have to get anywhere or get anything done when it's snowing.
HomeLAN said:
Hell, no. Unless it's bad enough to completely shut the office (ain't gonna happen), I need to be here. Last time it snowed here, it dropped about 3 inches. In to work I went.

3 inches??? :rofl4:


I've seen close to 12 fall overnight here and nothing close down

With that said...Hamilton is like the king of snow help from the armed forces needed here...long story short...Hamilton is half "moutain" (niagara escarpment) and half not...there are a few cuts up the mountain and they're quite steep. One snowy, incey day long long ago so stupid southerner figured it was just some snow and she could take the hairpin turn at the posted speed limit despite the warning signs saying that the road gets very slippery...she went off the side of the mountain...she died...the city got sued SO much money and lost. Now, the city of Hamilton alone could support an entire salt company and they have the clearest roads around.
We had about three inches last Wednesday. The ground was still too warm for it all to stick though, it was gone by Thanksgiving Dinner. The kids enjoyed it though, they got out and made a snowman Wednesday night, he lasted til Friday.
Precisely, Nix, you're equipped to handle it. I think the city might own 3 salt trucks down here. In addition, it doesn't get cold enough here for real snow. We usually have an ice layer under it, which adds a whole new dimension of fun.
Worst storm I was in was a blizzard in Germany. Dumped 3 feet overnight. What a friggin nightmare that was. We spent the next two days of the field exercise digging ourselves out of the building we were sleeping in.
HomeLAN said:
Precisely, Nix, you're equipped to handle it. I think the city might own 3 salt trucks down here. In addition, it doesn't get cold enough here for real snow. We usually have an ice layer under it, which adds a whole new dimension of fun.

Ahem. Army????

*ducks and covers*
It was for Nixy and the rest of the toronto crowd. If they get more than 3 inches (poor women) they close up the city and call in the army.
PostCode said:
Worst storm I was in was a blizzard in Germany. Dumped 3 feet overnight. What a friggin nightmare that was. We spent the next two days of the field exercise digging ourselves out of the building we were sleeping in.

:confused: I thought you were a CDAT? :confused:
Professur said:
Naw. Ain't he a C.U.N.T.?;)


DAT is army for "Dumb-Ass-Tanker" ...meaning he was part of a tank crew. Since the M1A1 came on line, and they've got modern electronics, it becomes CDAT, or, "Computerized-Dumb-Assed-Tanker"...Just another colorful part of your nations military history, right PostCode? :grinyes:
Professur said:
It was for Nixy and the rest of the toronto crowd. If they get more than 3 inches (poor women) they close up the city and call in the army.

except I do not and have never lived in Toronto

I live in Hamilton now, and my momma lives in Brampton

In fact...if you look up at my previous posts *I* even made a dig at the T-dot stating how the god ol' Hammer can handle the snow without the armed forces help :p