The Supreme Court has abolished the 5th

paul_valaru said:
i don't get it, I understand if you are building a highway the gov't has the right to force you to sell the land (and the stories i heard is you are paid well for it)but to force a sale for another private enterprise.....WTF

Actually, you are supposedly paid "fair market value." Whoever decides what that is. Re the private sector shit, I have to agree with Gonz. Not "the public good." Although the old mantra is getting more and more tiresome as time goes by. At least he didn't blame the Clintons yet.
Gonz said:
After driving many of the WV backwoods this week, it's no wonder your side lost. The roads aren't big enough for tanks & artillery.

WV was on the Union side, Gonz. ;)
Shhhh, no confusing fact with appearances :lol:

edit - I wasn't convinced. I found this which seems to provide a short & decent answer
West Virginia became the 35th state of the Union on June 20, 1863. Created in the midst of the Civil War, West Virginia provided to the Union Army 31,872 regular army troops, 133 sailors and marines, and 196 United States Colored Troops, during that terrible conflict of 1861-1865. It is also estimated that somewhere between 16,000 and 20,000 men served in the Confederate Army in this war of "brother versus brother."
West Virginia - A State of Confusion
On MOnday, we learn if Renquist will retire as a Justice or a politician. He's leaning decidedly toward pol.

There will be two other huge rulings...The Ten Commandments & File Sharing. Let's see how badly they can fuck those up.
no Gonz stop and think fer a sec.

The recent rulings:

Plookin' is Good
Reverse racisim is needed
Burn the flag
become a fag
steal yer land

file sharing and some rulz from a clearly dis-credited book from long ago

I'd give an ice cube on the sidewalk in Phoenix at noon
on July fourth a better chance!
"Justice Ginsburg replaced Justice White in 1993
as President Clinton’s first Supreme Court appointment.
She chaired the American Civil Liberties Union’s Women’s Rights Project in the 1970s,
arguing gender equal protection cases to the Supreme Court"
Winky said:
"Justice Ginsburg replaced Justice White in 1993
as President Clinton’s first Supreme Court appointment.
She chaired the American Civil Liberties Union’s Women’s Rights Project in the 1970s,
arguing gender equal protection cases to the Supreme Court"

:hmm: That last post of mine was for chcr. :hmm:
*sigh* I give up. Everything Ginsberg ever said or ever will say is the direct responsiblility of the idiot Clinton. :shrug:
chcr said:
*sigh* I give up. Everything Ginsberg ever said or ever will say is the direct responsiblility of the idiot Clinton. :shrug:

See, you just don't understand. What she says is not the fault of Willie. She is an idiot by her own right. Slick Willie just made it possible that we are forced to listen to her.

I can't believe what little interest this story is fomenting. Just wait until the Hiltons want to buy the NY Times building & place a hotel there.
Ah, I just get bored with the "if it weren't for Clinton" attitude that a lot of the political right seems to want to cling to. It's been 5-1/2 years, get over it, y'know?

Re the actual decision, I don't know how anyone can look at it and believe the country isn't really being run by corporations. This is all about money, it's not a liberal or conservative issue at all. You're right though, something like the NY Times building thing will have to happen for the average jamoke to notice. Amerika indeed.
chcr said:
it's not a liberal or conservative issue at all..
"i" just get bored when you use that fall back position.

OK no one is to be held accountable for a judiciary "gone wild".

If they keep this up soon no one will be able to take their pronouncements seriously.

Oh and gee thanks for pointing out the obvious.

Yeah when I was a wee tot, I too thought inertia kept he earth spinning on its axis,
I then I realized as well, that it’s Money that makes the world go round.
chcr said:
Ah, I just get bored with the "if it weren't for Clinton" attitude that a lot of the political right seems to want to cling to. It's been 5-1/2 years, get over it, y'know?

Re the actual decision, I don't know how anyone can look at it and believe the country isn't really being run by corporations. This is all about money, it's not a liberal or conservative issue at all. You're right though, something like the NY Times building thing will have to happen for the average jamoke to notice. Amerika indeed.

Had Clinton not made the piss poor decisions he made, we'd not be reliving the past on such a regualr basis. Same goes for Bush 1.

Not liberal or conservative? I'll agree, in theory. However, I'm relativerly sure that Clarence Thomas & Antonin Scalia have never found previously unseen rights nor have they destroyed what is so plainly written. The same cannot be said of Ginsberg or Breyer.
Yeah, yeah, it's all Clinton's fault... :lloyd:

You're boring me. Find a new mantra. Here's a suggestion; come up with one of your own instead of parroting one, huh?
Actually chic, you're the one that brinkgs up Bill on a regualar basis. I respond to you, not the previous administration. I'm more concerned with the next Clinton sitting in the Oval Office.

Actually, Gonz, it was intended as a joke (I forgot that "neo-cons" aren't allowed to have a sense of humor :D ). Every time something happens that you (self-proclaimed conservatives, not you personally) don't like, it's the fault of either the liberals or Clinton or more usually both. It's simply become tiresome to the point of nausea. Sometimes it's actually correct, but anytime I see it I just roll my eyes and go "there it is again."

Hilary is unelectable and even the liberals know it (the Democrats certainly do). The ultra-right tries to keep it right there in front of you though, don't they. Why doesn't it make you wonder what they're hiding? If you want to be paranoid (and i'm an expert on this ;) ) try being paranoid about what's actually happening instead of baseless fears that aren't going to happen. Hilary will not be nominated by any party (she might run, she's an arrogant cunt) but even if she was all it would do is certainly guarantee the election of Bill Frist (or whoever).