The Supreme Court has abolished the 5th

chcr said:
You're boring me. Find a new mantra. Here's a suggestion; come up with one of your own instead of parroting one, huh?

A joke? The Clinton part I got, the rest wasn't as rib-tickling.

I disagree with your assesment on Billary. I think she is exactly what the Dems want & need. Much like Howard Dean is precisely what the DNC & its followers are after. Their true colors shine thru for all to see.
Oh, well.

David Souter's neighbors have voted better than two to one to leave his home alone.

Activists angered by last year's U.S. Supreme Court decision on property rights wanted to get back at the justice by trying to seize his more than 200-year-old farmhouse to build an inn -- but that proposal fizzled in February.

In a largely symbolic gesture, town voters decided Tuesday 1,167 to 493 to have the selectmen leave Souter's house alone -- and instead urged the New Hampshire Legislature to adopt a law that forbids such property transfers to private interests for economic development via eminent domain.

It sounds like the point at least got made.
I don't think so by and large.
The politicians, who's pockets this eminent domain thing is lining, won't
give it up, until they get close to prosecution.

This is the biggest observation of government corruption ever realized.
The sad part is They are doing it Boldly, not even trying to hide it.

I think anyone who supports this should be thrown out of office.
Score another big plus for our Governor

INDIANAPOLIS – The practice of taking private land through eminent domain became more difficult Tuesday when the Senate agreed to final changes on House Bill 1010 – sending it to Gov. Mitch Daniels for approval.

The Senate voted 49-0 to approve the legislation for the final time while the House had voted 89-8 late Monday on the measure.

All northeast Indiana lawmakers voted “yes.”

“This bill is good,” said Rep. Ryan Dvorak, D-South Bend. “It will help restrict eminent domain for private purposes.”

The bill specifically limits the ability of local governments to take private property through eminent domain and then turn it over to a private developer or entity for another purpose.

And in certain cases where such a practice can occur, the legislation requires that the government pay a premium price for the land.
Rep. David Wolkins, R-Winona Lake, has pushed the bill for several years.

More states are doing this & it, apparently, needs to be done.
We're working on it. A measure to specifically disallow tax revenue increases as the sole reason for seizure under eminent domain passed the senate, and looks like it'll get a vote in the house in the second half of the session (due to start tomorrow). If it passes the house, it will become law, since the governor asked for it.
HomeLAN said:
We're working on it. A measure to specifically disallow tax revenue increases as the sole reason for seizure under eminent domain passed the senate, and looks like it'll get a vote in the house in the second half of the session (due to start tomorrow). If it passes the house, it will become law, since the governor asked for it.
Yeah I don't know, Sonny Perdue might be a crook, but he does seem
to get some things done, and we have had worse for sure.
Oh, yeah. We've had faaaaaaar worse. When I think back on some of the shit that's gone down in the state house in years past, it's enough to make me shudder.