The things kids say


New Member
I recently put up a 5x7" pic of my 2-yo daughter on the wall near my front door. The first time she saw it, she yelled, "mommy, it's me ... it's wonderful!"

I took Riley (8) to get batteries Sunday. I said, be careful where you're walking, the drivers in this parking lot are idiots. He says with a great big sincere grin, Yeah, I'm too young to die. You're not too young to die, but I am.

Leslie said:
I took Riley (8) to get batteries Sunday. I said, be careful where you're walking, the drivers in this parking lot are idiots. He says with a great big sincere grin, Yeah, I'm too young to die. You're not too young to die, but I am.


Eat some meat, bulk up, and whoop his arse. :grinyes:
Had to go to the Docs again yesterday... while waiting for the appointment, went to the loo with my son. We're trying to potty-train him, so he gets an explanation every time we go together of what steps I'm taking that he will be taking when his training is done.

Yesterday...I was talking him through the steps...he memorized a few and used them in the waiting room.

"First Papa does ca-ca, Papa does pee-pee, Papa wipes his bum-bum and FLUSH!!!!" all at about 80decibels!
I think part of why my ex-niece (she's 5 now, was 3 when I first met her) liked me so much is because I didn't baby-talk to her. I talked to her like I'd talk to any adult... although I made sure the language was a little cleaner.
*inserts $.02*
baby talk has its place in language acquisition.

but you're right, at some point, you should start giving up the baby talk to toddlers ... which is the same time you should give up the pacifier also.
Professur said:
Gawd I hate people who babytalk to toddlers.

"First Papa does ca-ca, Papa does pee-pee, Papa wipes his bum-bum and FLUSH!!!!" want me to try and teach my kid to say "First Papa defecated, then he urinated, wiped his anus and then Flush!" ?

Hell...most adults I know don't use those words! That's why we have so many damn euphmisms like "took a leak" or "Took a dump".

Flush is correct and a command. Bum is still used by adults. There's a place for young-euphamisms in least until the kid can handle three-sylable words, eh?
Inkara1 said:
I think part of why my ex-niece (she's 5 now, was 3 when I first met her) liked me so much is because I didn't baby-talk to her. I talked to her like I'd talk to any adult... although I made sure the language was a little cleaner.
same here...but i do have moments of weakness, usually with malory.
kuulani said:
*inserts $.02*
baby talk has its place in language acquisition.

but you're right, at some point, you should start giving up the baby talk to toddlers ... which is the same time you should give up the pacifier also.

Thanks... my kid's trying to learn three languages. Euphamisms are useful. He didn't ever use a pacifyer when do I start? :D
MrBishop said:
"First Papa does ca-ca, Papa does pee-pee, Papa wipes his bum-bum and FLUSH!!!!" want me to try and teach my kid to say "First Papa defecated, then he urinated, wiped his anus and then Flush!" ?
No... "First papa shit, then he pissed, then he wiped his ass, and FLUSH!!!" :D
MrBishop said:
" want me to try and teach my kid to say "First Papa defecated, then he urinated, wiped his anus and then Flush!" ?

At a certain point, yes. When I was 3, I told my Dad's boss that he flatulated a lot. Beyond his spending months living that down, it also showed that we didn't use "euphamisms" past the age of teething. Proper words get to be expected at a certain point. Frankly, if an adult tells me that he needs to "pee-pee", I think less of him. Like everything else, it springs from example in youth.

Is your son ready to move on yet? Dunno, never met him.