Yea, yea, that's all nice but did you bring pizza & beer?
Peeps?Everyone say hi to tofurkeylorio! Hi tofurkeylorio!
This, of course, means she's not a spam-bot. She's the new GF... the one I bought peeps for.
Tofuwhatsisname...I hope you brought beer. Otherwise we'll have to hang Aaron up by his heels and beat him with switches from a thorn bush.![]()
Hello tofurkey. Glad to have you with us.
All those threads about Inky's sordid past...just ignore those. There was a different Inky before, nothing like the suave, debonaire, polite, environmentally friendly, witty, massively endowed, bilingual ambidextrous hunka hunka burnin love you have before you. Completely different chap altogether. Not even related. So don't fret it none. K?