The tide marches on

Health coverage is not a right.

Profit motivates the profit seeker to create, improve & streamline.

Do you belive that Pfizer, et al, is spending billions upon billions just to cure your tummy ache & they expect nothing in return? They have a right to just compensation for their discoveries. They created tons & tons of wealth for their employees & their stockholders. That is so important it is covered by the Constitution.

To promote the Progress of Science and useful Arts, by securing for limited Times to Authors and Inventors the exclusive Right to their respective Writings and Discoveries;

If it is so easy, go, cure cancer. Please. Can you do it for free too?
There is only one issue that really really gets me angry here and it's this one. So long as medicine and drugs are a for profit industry, money will always be first and people last. I am sure with the research capability 'peel has, he could make 1000 hours of reading on why socialized medicine is bad and he'd still be 90% wrong. Those horror stories are pretty much cherry picked from the worst national systems.

When I hear people argue for medicine for profit, I know that these are people who essentially value money way too much. I always hope and pray a medical crisis will financially ruin you or a loved one until some fucking sense enters your head but more importantly your heart.

Of course I hope a full physical recovery is had after you are financially eliminated!

A HUGE percentage of this imaginary "welfare state" you fuckers like to whine about is because of a lack of socialized medicine.

I really have to stop even reading threads relating to this issue.

Y'know, this was a good post, right up until "you Fuckers". At that point, you pissed away any good you'd done. Congrats.
Y'know, this was a good post, right up until "you Fuckers". At that point, you pissed away any good you'd done. Congrats.

In your opinion perhaps, but I am far too realistic to think what I say can really effect a change in anyone's opinion. When I say "you fuckers", it expresses my outrage at people whose opinions have no basis in logic or sense, and lack any form of compassion. You all know who you are, I just wanna learn a lesson from recent personal attack situations.

Health coverage is a right world wide except here in "one century behind" America, and undeveloped nations. It ought to be a right every where it can be. Researchers and drug companies should still be able to be private businesses and even to get government grants, but breakthrough drugs should be mandated to be priced in such a way that is proportionate to the cost it takes to produce it, not just unlimited greed like it is now. "Life liberty and the pursuit of happiness" doesn't now end with "if you can afford it." Health care is all about life and liberty and the pursuit of happiness. People's fears that medical science would grind to a halt are ludicrous. Rich fat cats would have to start new businesses, invest in other places or make faster innovations, and I say so freaking what!
Well what the hell I'll give a couple brief examples. In California, on the "left coast" there has been a lot of study put into crime rehabilitation. The program came out something like 20% recidivism rate where traditional prison is 80% and the facility was a for profit business, so it helped pay for it self. Yet the revenge morons want to keep the system proven not to work and make it cost more or privatize it so government is not at all responsible for the treatment of offenders. Gladiator school benefits nobody. Non violent offenders locked up with violent ones just creates more violent offenders. I mean this shit is simple logic that so many fucking morons in the country fail to even consider. You could also put a lot more money into treatment for drug/alcohol and mental health issues cutting the cost of prison systems further. Essentially the nonviolent offenders could be housed at various government run businesses that train vocational skills and do the treatment. The violent guys can have fun at existing supermax facilities. It's all about cost efficiency and making the tax dollars count for something. Being forced into treatment and rehabilitation in confinement is no picnic. Prison of any kind sucks ass, it's just a matter of is time well spent there or not?

Eliminate the death penalty, and pass legislation on a federal level mandating that convictions be easier to overturn. Billions are wasted on that shit and most people who are easily provably innocent still end up rotting under the current system. Regulate personal injury lawsuits.

OK now the mythical "welfare state". So welfare is 1% of the budget, 'nuff said. Social Security/Medicare/Medicaid is an ENORMOUS part of the budget. Socialize medicine and pensioners, and disabled folks would probably account for around 2% of the budget, perhaps we could pay them enough to live on and that might make it 5%. But cut all the programs like it seems Gonz would like, and watch crime rise higher still!

It's about common sense, not knee jerk politics All that loose money could be spent on government efficiency to cut the fucking waste.... All this shit is way to radical to ever happen here. I just wonder what flag will fly over the USA next?

I know that stuff is all proven to be effective other places in the world, but you know with our inability to grow and change with the times, either revolution or invasion is an inevitable reality.

Wow I just wasted a lot of time dreaming....

Go ahead shoot it all down I hope I have sense enough not to defend any of this.
US Budgets 1996 to Present
Defense budget is over 52%. Social Security is about 20%.

It is said that the US military budget is about 47% of the World's combined military budget. Why? Because the world turns to the US to clean up their messes. This isn't just about Iraq and Afghanistan. Stop letting the world use us as their police!!!