Health coverage is not a right.
Profit motivates the profit seeker to create, improve & streamline.
Do you belive that Pfizer, et al, is spending billions upon billions just to cure your tummy ache & they expect nothing in return? They have a right to just compensation for their discoveries. They created tons & tons of wealth for their employees & their stockholders. That is so important it is covered by the Constitution.
If it is so easy, go, cure cancer. Please. Can you do it for free too?
Profit motivates the profit seeker to create, improve & streamline.
Do you belive that Pfizer, et al, is spending billions upon billions just to cure your tummy ache & they expect nothing in return? They have a right to just compensation for their discoveries. They created tons & tons of wealth for their employees & their stockholders. That is so important it is covered by the Constitution.
To promote the Progress of Science and useful Arts, by securing for limited Times to Authors and Inventors the exclusive Right to their respective Writings and Discoveries;
If it is so easy, go, cure cancer. Please. Can you do it for free too?