The top seven lies and myths about Sarah Palin


Well-Known Member



By Maxim Lott

Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin has been subjected to an intense amount of media and public scrutiny since she was named as John McCain’s vice presidential pick one week ago. Many of the attacks have come in the form of unconfirmed reports on the Internet.

[Each of the below is accompanied with text of the charge and the refutation. -- j]

1) Palin “Joined a Secessionist Political Party”

2) Palin Supported a “Nazi Sympathizer”

3) Palin “Wants Creationism Taught in School”

4) Palin “Was Nearly Recalled” While Mayor

5) Palin “Opposes Sex Education”

6) “This Picture Proves Palin is …”

7) Palin is the grandmother, and not the mother, of Trig Palin

Dude, it can take hours and hours to have a baby after your water breaks. This is her 4th (3rd?) time up to bat here. She knows her own body. Womenfolk had babies without hospitals for ages.
Me personally? Once I get started no one better leave. I went from 4 centimeters to nursing in 20 minutes when I had Malory.
My point is is that you are letting modern medical opinion on childbirth taint your judgement.
She has said that she knows what labor feels like after having had four kids. She has also said that her contractions were about an HOUR apart. Birth is not imminent until the contractions are much closer -- in the 2-4 minute range.

Why all this shouting about a hospital like that is some golden temple? Surely, no woman anywhere on Earth could possibly have a child without the all knowing hospital at their ready beckon and call. Real women just don't do this type of thing without being in a hospital -- right?

If you don't use a hospital for all of your birthing needs you are simply a bad person, a bad mother, and all of your children should be taken away and given to Spike to nurture and care for in the manner that he prescribes.
Dude, it can take hours and hours to have a baby after your water breaks. This is her 4th (3rd?) time up to bat here. She knows her own body. Womenfolk had babies without hospitals for ages.
Me personally? Once I get started no one better leave. I went from 4 centimeters to nursing in 20 minutes when I had Malory.
My point is is that you are letting modern medical opinion on childbirth taint your judgement.

My wife was the same as ALL her sisters (and their mother) 24+ hours.
Why all this shouting about a hospital like that is some golden temple?

Sure an airplane is probably a better place.

It's funny that the little piece in the OP doesn't really do much to disprove any of these so called "myths" about Palin.

For example the "myth" about Palin and sex education is that she only wants abstinence only sex ed and opposes any kind of safe sex education. As it turns out the author actually validates this.

The author also leaves out facts. For example on the subject of creationism Plain is clearlyon the record as saying "teach both" (evolution and creationism).

So much for disproving anything.
It's funny that the little piece in the OP doesn't really do much to disprove any of these so called "myths" about Palin.

Not really so funny when you realize it wasn't intended to be in the first place. :rolleyes:

It indicates the level of rampant panic on the left and how they are trying to prop up their last chance at occupying the White House for the next 8 years.

A.K.A. "Palin Derangement Syndrome". :shrug:
Not really so funny when you realize it wasn't intended to be in the first place. :rolleyes:

It wasn't intended to disprove any of the claims? That's still funny.

It indicates the level of rampant panic on the left and how they are trying to prop up their last chance at occupying the White House for the next 8 years.

A.K.A. "Palin Derangement Syndrome". :shrug:

Nope, actually it just shows Palin for what she is. You've just got "Obama Derangement Syndrome".
The more Grandma bends my ear about this Palin woman, the less I like her.
Palin, not Grandma.
A good write-up on these types of rumors, exaggerations, and lies. As the writer says:

No, I don’t think it’s likely that she called Obama “Sambo”. (Good God, man, I’m ten years older than she and I barely remember “Little Black Sambo.”) Yes, it seems unlikely to me that she’s (sic) be real racist and marry a Yup’ik (or a part Yup’ik.) But yes, people are capable of amazing things. Yes, I’m sure there are people who don’t like her — I’ve talked with some myself. And no, I don’t think this waitress would have been thrilled to be called an “aboriginal”.
good god people.

So Obama disproves rumours about himself and the anti-obama people here thow other trash on top of it.

Palin disproves rumours about herself, and the anti-mccain people throw other trash on top of it.

So, Palin, does beleive in creationism, and does want it discussed in school, and does want abstience taught as sex ed....

SO what? that is why people will vote for her, that is what she beleives in.

the rest of the rumours are fairly silly.

If you don't like it, don't vote for her, that is why you have the whole democracy thing going.

and the same goes for the obama haters.
Jim you link doesn't open for me. But if you call an aboriginal an aboriginal...I don't see the problem. injun, or eskimo is a no go.
Doesn't "aboriginal" simply mean "native"? Didn't realize there was any slur attached to that word. My Choctaw friends insist on referring to themselves as "Indians". It's just semantics.
good god people.

So Obama disproves rumours about himself and the anti-obama people here thow other trash on top of it.

Palin disproves rumours about herself, and the anti-mccain people throw other trash on top of it.

So, Palin, does beleive in creationism, and does want it discussed in school, and does want abstience taught as sex ed....

SO what? that is why people will vote for her, that is what she beleives in.

the rest of the rumours are fairly silly.

If you don't like it, don't vote for her, that is why you have the whole democracy thing going.

and the same goes for the obama haters.

Much more fun to piss and moan and whine and....

Why should we listen to someone who can't even spell "rumor" anyway. :tardbang: