The truth about Tonksy, Nixy and Stop_Laughing


Well-Known Member
The latest from the rumour mill concerns the wicked international triad formed by three of our more well known members of OTC, namely Tonksy, Nixy and their perpetual slave Stop_Laughing. Working under the cover of merely posting on the Lunatic Lounge, this trio of wannabe-dictators have begun forming a cryptic alphanumeric triskellion which, when completed, will reduce all members of OTC and eventually the world into their willing sex slaves.

The recent addition of Tonksy into the fold has sped up the timeline of their world-domination scheme due to her phenomenal skill at posting threads in the hundreds without stopping to even sleep.

Nixy’s dancing mouse, although seemingly a mere distraction from what’s going on under cover, is in actuality bouncing about in a rhythm calculated to change the viewers heartbeat to a slower pattern, thus lessening the amount of blood reaching the viewers brain. This deadening of brain cells is calculated to not only render the world numbingly stupid but also more prone to the draw of the Internet and OTC.

Finally, Stop_Laughing’s mere name is meant as a test ‘suggestion’ to viewers, forcing members to post increasingly serious threads. It is well known that laughing while engaging in sex is distracting and thus not a desirable skill in sex-slaves.

While this reporter hopes that their nefarious plot does not work out, I do hope that when this effort comes into fruition, that I can be an effective sl….er…what was I saying? Umh…

I forgot..oh well, couldn’t have been that important.
Well... no offense to SL but I don't want to be his sex slave... now, Tonks and Nixy, on the other hand... I wouldn't mind being their sex slaves. :D
Inkara1 said:
Well... no offense to SL but I don't want to be his sex slave... now, Tonks and Nixy, on the other hand... I wouldn't mind being their sex slaves. :D
WOOHOO! first boo, now inky...and it ain't even me birfday! :D
Inkara1 said:
Well... no offense to SL but I don't want to be his sex slave... now, Tonks and Nixy, on the other hand... I wouldn't mind being their sex slaves. :D

yeah, what's wrong with being a sex slave (to tonksy and nixy) :D
Stop Laughing said:
Damn, I shouldn't have tried to invite Cam into this while Bish was looking... :D

I got invited to what, where, when and with the who, now?

Hey....does this involve any getting nekked time? 'Cause if so, ya gotta let me know so's I can put on the clean pair of undies.
Camelyn said:
I got invited to what, where, when and with the who, now?

Hey....does this involve any getting nekked time? 'Cause if so, ya gotta let me know so's I can put on the clean pair of undies.