The Unborn Victims of Violence Act - passed

I personally like the bill, but this will get overturned by the Supreme Court. It's pretty much in conflict with all of the other pro-choice decisions the court has handed down over the years.

freako104 said:
I think in the case where she is assaulted then htere is a maybe but i would say b/c of the assault she miscarried. if she wasnt who knows. thast why I say it is a murder. because she wanted the child.

This is the problem. Women miscarry on a regular basis. Many women have miscarried and never known they were pregnant. A miscarriage is nature's way of aborting an unhealthy pregnancy. This usually happens in either the first 4 weeks and the woman never knows she was preganant or round about 13 weeks. How is it possible to judge accurately whether this was a spontaneous abortion and therefore irrelevant in the eyes of the law or a premature delivery caused by external factors? Quite simply a lot of the time it isn't possible to differentiate the two and therefore it cannot be classed as murder unless you abandon the whole concept of "beyond reasonable doubt" and "innocent until proven guilty".
freako104 said:
I think in the case where she is assaulted then htere is a maybe but i would say b/c of the assault she miscarried. if she wasnt who knows. thast why I say it is a murder. because she wanted the child.

What if she didn't want the child but said that she did in order to gain vengeance?

BTW...this also works is the foetus doesn't die. If a woman who is 10 weeks pregnant gets mugged and gets hit once or twice for resisting...that would normally be a robbery w/ assault and battery charges laid against the assailant. Simple enough so far.

situation A) She descovers that she's pregnant and lays a second set of charges against her attacker. Double indemnity?

situation B) She discovers that she was pregnant when her body auto-aborts the foetus. We don't know why it aborted...natural or induced by the violence or caused by the stress of the attack itself... the attacker gets charged with murder under the new law.

situation c) She continues through her pregnancy and gives birth to a child with Downs' Syndrome - the lawyers say that it was due to the assault... charges of aggravated assualt and a lawsuit get placed against the attacker, 7 moths after the event.

situation d) She discovers that she is pregnant, but she doesn't want the child. She takes a concoction of chemicals to cause a miscarry. She then goes to sue her attacker for the death of her child.

I can almost see the drool dripping from Lawyer's mouths as I type this. MMmmmmmMMMMM lawsuits!!!
freako104 said:
she didnt want it. that is all that needs saying there.

People lie, Erik..and judges, juries and lawyersa ren't infallable. What she wanted and what she'd be willing to say for the sake or revenge or money are two entirely different things.
ok my name is Eric with a C. thanks.

I know that people lie. I dont deny that. But as I said she didnt want the kid. thats why I say there is no murder. but yes people lie and all that shit.
Hmm Prof good very Good.
If a quote unquote a ‘government’ sanctions rape rooms and the filling of mass graves or merely state sponsored quote unquote ‘euthanasia’ what 'higher' authority does either have to answer too?

Oh and Bish in my country it is spelled fetus not ‘foetus’.

You see the Liberals don’t really care about Homosexuals or supposed minorities
(five sixths of the worlds population isn’t white) or a woman’s right to
quote unquote ‘choose’ they are against LIFE itself!
I am not against life. I am pro choice and for euthanasia yes but I would want the woman to consider adoption first. life before death for me. but death is an option
Well what ELSE can I do cry?
(in a choice between a positive emotion and
a negative one someone with good mental health
will make the obvious decision every time.)
I'd rather engage you in a serious discussion
"of your beliefs" but that isn't possible with a Liberal.
how about challenge them? I am the one having the serious discussion here. and you are the one saying it is impossible. Unless you get your head out of your ass it will be.

remember this

when you talk out of your ass shit comes out. so please remove your head.
Freako, look at what I posted about liberals and conservatives, and then look at what bish turned it into. What's the point. Intelligent discussion is impossible, until both sides decide to actually credit that the other might have merit.
I contend that judging from your past discussions
and I point you to your exchanges in this thread between you Gato and Prof.

a debate with you is well nigh impossible.

But I'm willing to engage in an endeavor that's doomed to fail...

"so give me an example of a grey (gray) area"
Gonz said:
So I take it by the responses that choice only counts one way.

Lacey Peterson planned on having her baby. Her husband killed them both. It's only one murder?

You're saying that since he was the father would this give him the right to determine if the unborn child dies be it at his hands or in a proper abortion? And therefore he wouldn't beable to be charged with the murder of the baby? I don't know the exact laws surrounding abortion but I would ASSUME the mother has to consent. But, even if she doesn't the point is moot in the case of Lacey and Conner because she was like 8 months pregnant, WAY past the point where abortion is legal. So, it was double murder.
Winky said:
"8 months pregnant, WAY past the point where abortion is legal. So, it was double murder."

Mebbe where you live?

You're telling me that where you live it's legal to abort a fetus at 8 months?