The vaccine shortage


molṑn labé
Staff member
You are aware it's the fault of Billary are you not? Here, let's examine the problem.

First, the intentions
Influenza vaccine is produced by growing the virus in eggs. The virus is killed and processed to create the vaccine, which is given by injection under the skin. The body then produces antibodies to the virus over the next two to four weeks.

If the immunized person then comes into contact with the influenza virus, the antibodies attack and kill the virus before it has a chance to cause infection.

The vaccine contains the 3 most likely strains to be active during the flu season.

The odds are you'll be protected by that is by no means guaranteed.

Here is the major problem this year.
Almost half of the nation's flu vaccine will not be delivered this year. Chiron, a major manufacturer of flu vaccine, will not be distributing any influenza vaccine this flu season. They were to make 46-48 million doses vaccine for the United States.

Chiron is a British company. British health officials stopped Chiron from distributing and making the vaccine when inspectors found unsanitary conditions in the labs. Some lots of the vaccine were recalled and destroyed.

That sucks. Now for the good part (I bet chcr will love this)

Why is our vaccine made in the UK and not the US? The major pharmaceutical companies in the US provided almost 90% of the nations flu vaccine at one time. They did this despite a very low profit margin for the product.

The reason for the low profit? During the initial stages of the liberal healthcare scare, back when Hillary wanted to play politics & create national healthcare, she was beaten back. However, a few of her ideas were turned into law. One was, the US Government would buy a majority of the vaccine at a near zero profit margin so that (ready for the heartstring tug?) children could be guaranteed to be immunized. No matter their income level, no matter their need to be vaccinated against one of the most common epidemics in the world and goddamn it, it has to be FREE. Never mind the fact that the USA has one of the lowerst mortality rates from the flu in the world. It just sucks being sick. Now, there is more to this story & we need to get on with it.

In the late 80's a man from North Carolina who had received the vaccine got the flu. The strain he caught was one of the strains in that years vaccine made by a US company.

Did he suffer alone? NO! Did he accept fate & move on with his life? NO! He's a good Ameican. What then did he do? He found himself an ambulance chaser, he sued and he won. He was awarded almost $5 million!

So, now we see how Hillary, personally, caused several hundred America workers to lose thier job to outsourcing, she also is an indirect accompice in the flu vaccine shortage of '04. Why?
After that case was appealed and lost, most US pharmaceutical companies stopped making the vaccine. The liability out weighed the profit margin.

Since UK and Canadian laws prohibit such frivolous law suits UK and Canadian companies began selling the vaccine in the US.

So once again, we're bitten by socialist agenda's being put into law by weak kneed politicians.

By the way...the lawyer that represented the man in the flu shot lawsuit was Democrat Vice Presidential nominee John Edwards.
So can I assume by the daily emails for Viagra and Cialis etc ... that there is more than enough of that to go around ,one would have thought Bill would have been using more than his fair share.:shrug:
So the drug companies stopped making it because of money. Sounds like a capitalism problem, and/or one within your legal system to me rather than a Billary problem.
They should have made one million doses at a cost of three million dollars & sold them for four million dollars to lose a lawsuit of five million dollars?

Get real.
we seem to manage it fine here and in the UK...don't seem to be a socialism problem now does it.
right...that'd be the socialist thing we apparently're managing doesn't appear to be a socialism problem.
Your missing the point Les,

if 200% of your profit can be taken away from you by one sinlge lawsuit; there is no point to makeing the medicine (and most every vaccine has deaths that come with it)

CAn you sue your system up there 'eh?

Does the socialist system dump billions into Research and Developement or is that left for the capitalist model?.

So if we go socialist, who will pay for the R&D?
Yes, it does dump into R&D, it benefits society after all...
and noooooooooooooo as the article states, we don't allow stoopid lawsuits. So...I'd venture that the problem here is not caused by socialism, or Billary, but rather a lack of socialism or an abundance of capitalism, and a bigtime problem with the legal system.
Ok Les, reading is fundimental

Gonz said:
Here is the major problem this year.

That sucks. Now for the good part (I bet chcr will love this)

The reason for the low profit? During the initial stages of the liberal healthcare scare, back when Hillary wanted to play politics & create national healthcare, she was beaten back. However, a few of her ideas were turned into law. One was, the US Government would buy a majority of the vaccine at a near zero profit margin so that (ready for the heartstring tug?) children could be guaranteed to be immunized. No matter their income level, no matter their need to be vaccinated against one of the most common epidemics in the world and goddamn it, it has to be FREE. Never mind the fact that the USA has one of the lowerst mortality rates from the flu in the world. It just sucks being sick. Now, there is more to this story & we need to get on with it.

So, now we see how Hillary, personally, caused several hundred America workers to lose thier job to outsourcing, she also is an indirect accompice in the flu vaccine shortage of '04. Why?

So once again, we're bitten by socialist agenda's being put into law by weak kneed politicians.

By the way...the lawyer that represented the man in the flu shot lawsuit was Democrat Vice Presidential nominee John Edwards.
I read it, and this
So once again, we're bitten by socialist agenda's being put into law by weak kneed politicians
bullfuckingshit. It isn't the agenda, it's about the money. The socialismers are handling it just fine.
near zero profit margin
not AT zero, near zero.

money plus dumb laws. :shrug:
if a company spends 60 million to earn 5 million, that is reasonable. To earn 1 million it is not because inflation has made your profit a loss in the real world.

look at how well it turned out this year, had several American company's been on the case we would have a larger supply this year. all those children over 22 months are now ass-out.
Drug companies in other countries seem to be managing.

Whatever the issue is about, it isn't socialism.
Several reasons;

You can't sue a socialist system. You can sue a capitolist system to a point where is no longer worth the risk.

Second, you have wonderful medicines and techniques as a direct result of the HUGE amounts of money invested into THE capitalist system from here in America. Where do you think 90% of the R&D $ comes from?

With out our R&D the world would still be in the 1980's as far as medicine goes
I think the Swiss do a little of that too dude.
oh, and us.

and you can sue here, for a real wrong. you can't sue cause something you took gave you a pimple.
John Edward made 50 million dollars for himself on law suits that we from junk science.

You can sue for anything, often it get settled out of court for milli0ons becuase an emotional jury will award 10x that.

Which is why we need to put a a cap on the amount a medical company can be sued for.
ResearchMonkey said:
John Edward made 50 million dollars for himself on law suits that we from junk science.

You can sue for anything, often it get settled out of court for milli0ons becuase an emotional jury will award 10x that.

Which is why we need to put a a cap on the amount a medical company can be sued for.