the winter doldrums

Oh yea, it's dark at 5pm after daylight savings time. It's starting to stay lighter out later (not complete darkness when I walk out at 5:30 but almost) but I'm still in the dark when I get home at 6:30pm.
i like driving at night, everything is so much less hectic and confusing, i'll go driving at night to clear my head, not so much fun when my teeth chatter till the car warms up though
Squiggy said:
I prefer driving at night too...And driving is when I do my best thinking.

Night drivin' might not seem so scary for me, but I've yet to get my, much-needed first pair for of prescription eyewear.

I see distant road signs in somewhat of a blur, 'til I'm right upon 'em. Then, usually after I've passed my exit, that which was posted on the sign registers. Its downright annoyin'.

Guess its time to face facts............though I have no idea what I'm missin' in the world of 'sight', since I haven't taken the necessary step to deal with an obvious problem.

Y'all who've been there, care to comment??(
I was there, got my first pair of glasses when i was 18. Wore em for about a month, then put them away. Got my second pair when i was 30. I've been wearing them ever since, just make sure and pick out a pair that you like. Take the wife with you or someone else that you value thier opinion, if you don't like em, you won't wear em.
:D I've been using Walmarrt reading glasses. Problem is, both eyes are not equally deficient so I have to keep my right eye closed when I have them on. I keep telling myself theres no rush to get real glasses. Afterall, one eye works fine...
PuterTutor said:
I was there, got my first pair of glasses when i was 18. Wore em for about a month, then put them away. Got my second pair when i was 30. I've been wearing them ever since, just make sure and pick out a pair that you like. Take the wife with you or someone else that you value thier opinion, if you don't like em, you won't wear em.

Thanks PT!

I think yer right 'bout choosin' somethin' ya feel comfortable wearin'. (Otherwise, no (?), they won't be used)

My fiance' an' I are plannin' to go together to make r selections. She is in bad need of a new script, an' I'm jus' in need.

We've browsed some of the mall stores, Wal-Mart, etc.

Not quite sure if the 'optometrists' in those establishments would be any less reliable than more expensive recommendations.

Any further thoughts?
I only started wearing glasses when I was 24. You know how sometimes you'll be talking to someone who swears they can't see without their glasses and you'll try theirs on? And usually you can't see anything? I did that and instead, everything became clear. Instant headache because it was such a change but I got used to it.

Once you get used to glasses, it's no big deal. I would get them, you're probably not as safe as you should be on the road. And if you go to the movies, you'll notice a difference also.
The biggest thing I had to get used to was seeing the leaves on trees, the blades of grass. You'll understand that when you get your specs.
75renegade said:
We've browsed some of the mall stores, Wal-Mart, etc.

Not quite sure if the 'optometrists' in those establishments would be any less reliable than more expensive recommendations.
i've always gotten my prescriptions from wal-mart, for specs and contacts. i think their Docs are just as good as anywhere else and their prices are damned good. My only complaint is that it's usually kind of a goat rodeo as far as service. i've waited at the register for 15 minutes or more just to pick up contacts.
I'm short-sighted and have worn glasses for distance since I was a teenager. In fact I can't drive at night without them because of the glare from other headlights ~ apparently that's a phenomenon of my type of eye problem ~ I'm sensitive to strong sunlight too and have to wear sunglasses, so I usually wear one pair and carry the other. I also wear them to work on the computer because of the glare.

My last prescription though was a bit stronger than before and I have to take them off to read up close (up to 18 inches), especially under artificial light at night. Maybe I should think about varifocals next time...