Thanks...I'll remember that the next time I'm in Mexico and need to get back into the USA. I'm sure there's a tunnel around there somewhere
The legals in the US can speak English too when they want something....
**Up here, it's used as a weapon of sorts. To be in business, you have to be able to speak both French and English, except if you're just a local-only store. But get someone in from Ontario over who rubs the store owner the wrong way and suddenly, the owner forgets how to speak English.
Happens to American tourists all the time.
I used to work in hotels and once heard some guy on Ste-Catherine street (main downtown street) screaming "Is there anyone in this fuckin' town that can speak English?" - He was in Montreal. 80%+ speak English just fine, thanks. He must've really pissed off a bunch of people to not find anyone who would speak with him in English.