There must be somewhere safe left in the universe

I bet it would have been fun being the guy running the 20 mule team pulling the borax wagon down the hill into Death Valley in the 1800s... especially when the wagon would get too much momentum and start to barrel down the hill, smooshing all the mules and then careening down the side of a cliff.
Gato_Solo said:
Bah. I summered over in an undisclosed location, where the temperature was an average of 120 degrees in the shade. Not that much cooler than Death Valley. Of course, I also had plenty of water, and a building with air conditioning when the sandstorms started blowing... :p

Yeah, but you had to. :D
tonks said:
best the school system can think of is to make uniforms mandatory so even if the students are drop dead stupid at least they'll all look alike.

I should point out that although I wouldn't have liked having to wear a uniform too much if I'd gone to school, I can see the point of it. What I've never been able to see the point of is a liberal opt-out policy. If half the kids' parents opt them out of the policy, it's not much of a uniform. I say certain allowances should be made for whatever religious beliefs might be out there (skirts for girls, turbans, or what have you) without allowing a full opt-out.
I remember friends & my wife can persoanlly testify to the fact that the uniforms may have looked alike but the kids still had ways to differentiate between the "poor" & the "wealthy". Those differences & whatever new or old & reborn ones there are can easily be bypassed. That said, I still see a benefit to them.
Uniforms in California are typically used to keep kids from wearing gang-affiliated colors. So instead of avoiding class warfare, it's meant to diffuse trouble between the Crips and the Bloods.
I was there in the middle of that crap. It would have been so much easier to just outlaw red & blue.
Gonz said:
I was there in the middle of that crap. It would have been so much easier to just outlaw red & blue.
i'd like to agree but the gang members would just find another way...the way you lace your shoes, folding of pant legs etc...a better way would be to beef up discipline instead of squashing individuality.
Gonz said:
I was there in the middle of that crap. It would have been so much easier to just outlaw red & blue.

Or make the uniform red and blue ,[sarcasm]but no white that would be patriotic and you can't have any of that in schools[/sarcasm] :p
It would be really fun to outlaw red and blue in Fresno, given that the top sports draw here is Fresno State... and the Bulldogs wear red and blue.
tonks said:
i'd like to agree but the gang members would just find another way...the way you lace your shoes, folding of pant legs etc...a better way would be to beef up discipline instead of squashing individuality.

Can't have that. The landslide of lawsuits brought by weak parents would bankrupt the school system. It always comes back to the parenting (or lack thereof). The parents, after all, pay the taxes and apply pressure to the schools. In this country, the type of pressure being brought to bear leads to ineffective schools.
HomeLAN said:
Can't have that. The landslide of lawsuits brought by weak parents would bankrupt the school system. It always comes back to the parenting (or lack thereof). The parents, after all, pay the taxes and apply pressure to the schools. In this country, the type of pressure being brought to bear leads to ineffective schools.
my kids are either going to love me to death...or plot my death. here is a quote that i can assure you i would say: "no marlowe, you can't dye your hair purple until the C in math becomes a B" or how about "malory, i'll buy you that drum set if you score above 1200 on the SAT"...may not be classic parenting but it might just work and i way i see it individuality is a wonderful thing provided that you don't rely on it to get you by.
There's something to be said about a school who concentrates more on keeping it's own averages up by lowering the bar, instead of keeping the bar exactly where it is and helping those who fall behind, to catch up. What the hell happened to Summer school and late classes? Tutors? Remedial classes?

Some people are going to it apathy or ignorance...but then again, the world needs people to mow lawns and pick up trash. If the students in question are happy with that rosy future, let 'em drop out...smaller classrooms and more enthusiastic students make for stronger pupils.
Inkara1 said:
I should point out that although I wouldn't have liked having to wear a uniform too much if I'd gone to school, I can see the point of it.

I can't, not at all :eh:

Your teenage years are when you are at your most creative (even if a lot of that creativity is taken up by shitty angst-ridded poetry ;) ) and your most expressive as an individual. And what do they do? Try to force the kids to all dress the same, like a buncha fucking clones :eh:

My school attempted to enforce school uniform, I fought them tooth and nail, and like a a fool I took punishments in the form of detentions etc until I actually did some research and discovered that the school could only suggest to the parents that they dress their kids in uniform......and they had no right to try to enforce it through punishment :)

The picture on the headmasters face was priceless when I told him I knew my was even better when I spread the word and his plans for symbiotic schoolchildren went up in smoke.

Sod the school wonder so many kids rebel/go off their heads.....who the hell wants to be told every little detail about how to run their lives....including wot colour socks to put on in the morning? :rolleyes:
from being from a under the poverty line home, I was glad for the uniform, it didn't stand out as much that I was wearing croteau (A bargain basement clothing place) while the the rest where wearing the GAP, but this was elementry, once in highschool every one is in uniform if they know it or not, sports jerseies for the jocks, this designer fr the cool kids, the goths all dressing the same whil wanting to be diffrent, I wore jeans and plain t-shirts, it confused poepl to where I should fit in, in the social miasma that is high school