There's a great day a-comin'


Southern Discomfort
The truth continues to surface

"When you keep your citizens ignorant and you only share bits and pieces, people start to say, 'Wait a minute. ... Why wasn't I told this in school? Why didn't I know this?"' she said.

What many don't know, she said, is the history of African- Americans selling their own people, toddlers in shackles, and America, including the North, benefiting financially from slave labor.

"It's not as easy as 'Gone With the Wind' and 'Miss Scarlett' and all of that," Foster said. "There are so many variables."

Looks like the glass house is coming down. Won't be long before more black citizens will be learning the real truth, as well as the Confederate Revisionists among us (me and Fluer mostly I think...)

So hang on to your myths while you can. The leaks are catching up to you.

Won't it really be the final nail in the coffin when blacks and Confederate loyalists work hand in hand to correct the lies? What leg will you have to stand on then? How many arguments around here will melt in the light of truth?

Oh, and please note the source of the story, and its proximity to the Land of Cotton.

*whistles Dixie and sits back to watch the sparks fly*
What I remember about the history of slavery is that the ones that were put into shakles and shipped over here had been the defetead in a war or conflict and were considered less then human in the original home country...
Regardless of who put them there, the Slave owners should have been aware that owning another person and forcing them to labor at anything against their will was a disgusting injustice...that being said no one alive in this country was a slave owner and we ought to just move on.
Learn and remember history, yes....but we have to move passed it.
Assume what Vonita Foster said is 100% true.

Say some African's sold their own people. Does that make it ok for me to buy people?

Say I benefitted financially from the disgusting injustice. Would it then be wrong for me to try to put a stop to it?

Wrong things happened in other parts of the world besides the South? I believe you. It's never going to change the fact that the day the south lost the war was a great day for human rights.

Move on.
spike said:
Does that make it ok for me to buy people?
It was ok for the previous bazillion years.

spike said:
It's never going to change the fact that the day the south lost the war was a great day for human rights.

Move on.


Don't fret it, Gonz. I keep the children in time out.

I'll steal a line from the lincoln defenders here. You can't judge history by modern morals. Human slavery has been on this planet for centuries, and anyone who believes it doesn't happen in 2006 is deluded.
I do often wonder where the moral crusaders against pre-modern American slavery are at this very moment when much of the world, including the Americas, is still suffering human bondage.
You can't judge history by modern morals. Human slavery has been on this planet for centuries, and anyone who believes it doesn't happen in 2006 is deluded.

You go ahead and keep trying to justify it.

If slavery has been on the planet for ceturies does that make it ok? Nope.

If it happens in 2006 does that make the slavery that occured in America any less wrong. Nope.

Does it change the fact the the confederate loss was a huge advance for human rights? Nope.

This is tactic of trying to justify a wrong by pointing around at other wrongs is something a child would do.
I do not think he is justifying it. Just saying that it is still a problem and it has been. I would not say defeating the South was a great strike for human rights (though I still feel it was some about slavery, and ending it in America was a great thing for the states) since slavery was not the key issue there (as SnP in another thread as well as others pointed out)

Gato: The CTIP training: Is it a new training and do you go into training in not just combating it but also helping victims of this kind of crime?
I do not think he is justifying it. Just saying that it is still a problem and it has been. I would not say defeating the South was a great strike for human rights (though I still feel it was some about slavery, and ending it in America was a great thing for the states) since slavery was not the key issue there (as SnP in another thread as well as others pointed out

From SoutherNProuds own opinions the south losing the war ended slavery a good 15 years earlier than it would have ended otherwise. I'd expect that's a conservative estimate coming from him.

Therefore the confederate loss was a huge advancement of human rights.

Slavery not a key issue? Pffft :laugh:
Not really. If it were the north would have had to stop it up there (Maryland had slaves, it was a split state at best. It is only classified as Southern because of our location under the Mason-Dixon. I did say it was an issue but the reason I said it wasn't a key issue is that it wasn't looked at until after the South ceded. It didn't particularly end it according to him. It ended after the war and the Emancipation Proclomation. It probably would have ended without a war though that is debateable
You go ahead and keep trying to justify it.

If slavery has been on the planet for ceturies does that make it ok? Nope.

If it happens in 2006 does that make the slavery that occured in America any less wrong. Nope.

Does it change the fact the the confederate loss was a huge advance for human rights? Nope.

This is tactic of trying to justify a wrong by pointing around at other wrongs is something a child would do.

I think it's time for you to shut your 13 year old mouth, junior. It's past your bedtime, now go slip between those Little Mermaid sheets and drift off to lala land. You have not read 1% of my comments on here or you would know better. So go on now and let the adult talk for awhile, you've become tedious and irrelevent to anyone past the Oxy-10 phase. Buh bye now.
This is tactic of trying to justify a wrong by pointing around at other wrongs is something a child would do.

You mean, sort of like saying the US is violating the nuclear nonproliferation treaty in a thread about Iran violating it?
I think it's time for you to shut your 13 year old mouth, junior. It's past your bedtime, now go slip between those Little Mermaid sheets and drift off to lala land. You have not read 1% of my comments on here or you would know better. So go on now and let the adult talk for awhile, you've become tedious and irrelevent to anyone past the Oxy-10 phase. Buh bye now.

What I have seen of your comments show severe frustration when your points get shot down showing you're incapale of carrying on a grown up debate.

if you had counterpoints you would make them. Since you don't you either shut down with some excuse like the other threads or resort to insults like you have here.

I'm the childish one. :laugh:
You mean, sort of like saying the US is violating the nuclear nonproliferation treaty in a thread about Iran violating it?

I never said Iran was justified in violating it. So no.

I don't have the righteos view of Iran that SouthernNProud has for the confederates.
You seem incapable of making posts that aren't insulting. Are you mad about some failure in your life?