Things to be said about X's.......

AnomalousEntity said:
Well yes and no. Some times men feel like if they have to be a "long distance" dad, then its better for everyone involved, if he just disappears. It doesnt confuse the child as much, it doesnt interfere with any possible new man in your life, he wont have to deal with the pissing contests with your boyfreinds, and he wont have to feel the pain every time he sees her and has to say goodbye, and he knows she will be spared the same pain.

Thing is, he may still want a family, so he goes and finds one elsewhere...with someone he CAN GET ALONG WITH.

Believe me... that's not the case, this guy cares about no-one but himself. He's not doing it to spare my daughters feelings, he's just a selfish wanker. To be honest I'm glad he's nowhere near me OR my daughter but that doesn't make her feel any better. You think her feelings are spared if he cuts contact all together... you're wrong in this case. She's more confused by the fact that he never bothers to get in touch... and who's the one that has to pick up the pieces... ME! Even a lousy birthday card, Xmas card or a phonecall once in a while would be enough... just so she knows that he cares.
The guy I'm with now has a little girl to a previous relationship. She lives 400 miles away... he doesn't get to see her as often as he'd like and it yes... it breaks his heart. He hates his ex... but it's not his daughters fault is it? He calls her on the phone, sends her parcels in the post and she comes and stays with us in the holidays. It's upsetting to all of us when the time comes for her to go back home but it's better than just ignoring the fact that you have a kid.
I'm sorry but I don't think it's right for any man (or woman) to walk away from their responsibility just because they 'don't get along' It's such a lame and crap excuse...

And that's me being polite about my ex... :crying4:
I could find a post explaining it all on here but I can't be bothered. It will just bring up bad memories....

EDIT: Gah... couldn't stop myself... Here it is...
thats cold. i cant say anything really bad about my ex although two of her former friends are another story
Ex's are ok......some I've managed to stay friends with, others I havn't :eh:

But then I've nealy always been the one who ditches them.
I have only one nice thing to say about my ex...she's given me a great opening line.

I like my coffee black and my ex-wife

Other than's all bad. Took my money, took half my damn furniture, damn near cost me my house. Thank God that we didn't have kids!!