Think, then speak


molṑn labé
Staff member
"Our enemies are innovative and resourceful, and so are we. They never stop thinking about new ways to harm our country and our people, and neither do we," Bush said.
Just saw the video of it...he keeps a perfectly straight face. Completely oblivious to that malapropism :D

The audience makes it even better...Pentagoners! :D
I don't know whether this programme has trancended to BBC America... or Canada... but there's a comedy impression show in Blighty on the Beeb called "Dead Ringers" in which there is an excellent... truly brilliant piss take of Bush. If he were to describe it he's call it "magnixcellent"... truly inspired!
You guys might like the occasional segment on Jay Leno's show, called "Is George W. Bush's Spanish better than his English?" in which they show a clip of Bush saying something in Spanish, with him looking strong and eloquent... and then a clip of him messing up something in English.