This day in history.....

Novemeber 24th

Happy Turkey Day!!!

1642: Dutch navigator Abel Tasman discovers Tasmania.

1874: Joseph Glidden of Illinois patents barbed wire.

1922: English writer Erskine Childers is shot by an Irish Free State firing squad after being convicted of carrying a small pistol.

1963: Jack Ruby shoots Lee Harvey Oswald.

1987: Li Peng succeeds Zhao Ziyang as premier of China.
November 25th

1795: Stanislaw II Augustus abdicates as king of Poland following the third partition of his country between Prussia, Russia, and Austria.

1874: Southern and midwestern farmers form the Greenback Party after the depression of the early 1870s.

1917: Russia holds its last free election for more than 50 years.

1923: America hears the first radio program transmitted from Great Britain. The piano concert, broadcast from London, began with the greeting "Hello, America!"

1952: Agatha Christie's The Mousetrap premieres in London; it will have the longest run in theater history.

2001: Scientists in a Boston research clinic announce the first successful cloning of a human embryo. :alienhuh:
November 26th

1906: Theodore Roosevelt visits Panama, becoming the first sitting U.S. president to travel abroad.

1965: France successfully launches the Diamant-A rocket into space, becoming the world's third space power after the Soviet Union and the United States.
November 27th

1095: At the council of Clermont, France, Pope Urban II proclaims the First Crusade.

1779: The Pennsylvania state government converts the College of Philadelphia into the University of the State of Pennsylvania, thus creating both America's first state school and America's first official university.

1901: The Army War College is authorized by the U.S. Department of War.

1924: New York City's Macy's department store held its first Thanksgiving Day parade down a two-mile stretch of Broadway from Central Park West to Herald Square. :D

1942: A French Navy fleet stationed in Toulon sinks 10 of their own cruisers, 28 destroyers, and 14 submarines to avoid their falling into Nazi hands.
Mare said:
November 27th

1942: A French Navy fleet stationed in Toulon sinks 10 of their own cruisers, 28 destroyers, and 14 submarines to avoid their falling into Nazi hands.

17 minutes later, they surrendered to themselves,and declared one another POWs.
November 28th

1520: Portuguese-born Spanish explorer Ferdinand Magellan reaches the Pacific Ocean from the Atlantic.

1895: The first American (gasoline-powered) automobile race takes place in Chicago.

1919: American-born Nancy Astor is the first woman in British history elected to a seat in Parliament.

1929: American explorer Richard Byrd begins his flight over the South Pole.

1943: The first conference between the leaders of the three major Allied powers—Roosevelt, Churchill, and Stalin—begins in Teheran, Iran.
November 29th

1864: U.S. military forces attack a Cheyenne encampment at Sand Creek, massacring over four hundred men, women, and children.

1890: The first Army-Navy football game is played between the U.S. Military Academy and the U.S. Naval Academy.

1929: American explorer Richard Byrd passes over the South Pole, becoming the first man to fly over both poles.

1945: Yugoslavia becomes a federated republic.

1947: The United Nations (U.N.) adopts a plan for the partition of Palestine into Jewish and Arab zones with Jerusalem under U.N. trusteeship, sparking fights between Jews and Arabs in Palestine.

1963: U.S. President Lyndon B. Johnson establishes the Warren Commission, headed by Supreme Court Chief Justice Earl Warren, to investigate the assassination of President John F. Kennedy.
Mare said:
November 29th

1864: U.S. military forces attack a Cheyenne encampment at Sand Creek, massacring over four hundred men, women, and children.

Preserving the Union and freeing some slaves, I suppose. :crying4:
November 30th

1782: A preliminary peace treaty between the colonies and England is signed in Paris.

1918: Denmark recognizes Iceland as an independent kingdom.

1939: Russia invades Finland, beginning the Russo-Finnish War.

1954: In Alabama, a meteorite crashes through the roof of a house into the living room, where it strikes a woman on the hip.

1966: Britain grants independence to Barbados, a British crown colony in the West Indies.
1864: Patrick Cleburne, one of the Confederate army's finest division commanders and commonly known as the "Stonewall of the West", was killed in the Battle of Franklin. Cleburne once said, "I am with the South in life or in death, in victory or defeat. I believe the North is about to wage a brutal and unholy war on a people who have done them no wrong, in violation of the Constitution and the fundamental principles of the government...We propose no invasion of the North, no attack on them, and only ask to be let alone."

Salute, Gen. Cleburne.
December 1st

1913: The first drive-in gas station opens in Pittsburgh.

1935: Chiang Kai-shek is elected chairman of the Kuomintang (Nationalist Party) Executive Council, thereby becoming virtual ruler of China.

1955: Rosa Parks refuses to give up her seat to a white man on a city bus in Montgomery, Alabama.

1955: The first remote-control railroad passenger car goes into service.

1959: A camera mounted on the nose of a missile takes the first color picture of Earth from space.
December 2nd

1804: In Notre Dame Cathedral, Napoleon Bonaparte is crowned Napoleon I, the first emperor of France.

1805: The French army under Napoleon I defeats Russian and Austrian forces at the Battle Austerlitz.

1823: During his annual address to Congress, President James Monroe proclaims a new U.S. foreign policy initiative that becomes known as the Monroe Doctrine.

1859: In Charlestown, Virginia, militant abolitionist John Brown is executed for his raid on a Harpers Ferry arsenal.

1877: French physicist Louis Paul Cailletet liquefies oxygen; he later liquefies hydrogen, nitrogen, and air.

1942: Italian physicist Enrico Fermi produces the first nuclear chain reaction at the University of Chicago, Illinois.

2001: Houston-based energy company Enron files for bankruptcy. Less than a year before, Enron had ranked seventh among American companies in terms of revenue.
Mare said:
2001: Houston-based energy company Enron files for bankruptcy. Less than a year before, Enron had ranked seventh among American companies in terms of revenue.

And the fuckers responsible avoid trial for 5 years, giving American business in general a bad name. Hang the bastards in '06.
December 4th

1818: Illinois enters the Union as the 21st state.

1833: Oberlin Collegiate Institute, the first college to enroll men and women on equal terms, opened in Oberlin, Ohio, with an enrollment of twenty-nine men and fifteen women.

1935: Eleanor Roosevelt dedicates the first low-income housing project in New York City.

1967: South African surgeon Christiaan Barnard performs the first heart transplant operation. The patient, Louis Washkansky, survives for 18 days.
December 4th

1867: Minnesota farmer Oliver H. Kelley forms the National Grange of the Patrons of Husbandry, an association of farmers popularly called the Grangers.

1877: Thomas Edison invents the phonograph.

1915: Henry Ford sets sail for Europe aboard the Ford Peace Ship on a diplomatic mission to end World War I.

1918: President Woodrow Wilson departs Washington, D.C., on the first European trip by a U.S. president.

1945: The United States joins the United Nations.

1996: General Motors releases the first electric car to be mass-produced.