This day in history.....

highwayman said:
Who did the raindance there? There is a wole amount of flooding going on....
Not sure whom did it, but we did need it. I heard alot of ppl are getting flooded, lets just tilt the world and send it this way, we are in such a drought, and the brush fires came close to us the other day, over 130 acres burned.
May 17th

1792: A group of brokers meeting at a coffee house in New York City organize the New York Stock Exchange. The first transactions are made under a tree on Wall Street.

1875: The first Kentucky Derby is held at Churchill Downs, Kentucky; racehorse Aristides is the winner.

1954: The U.S. Supreme Court reverses an 1896 ruling that education should be "separate but equal," ruling that racial segregation in schools is unconstitutional.

1973: The U.S. Senate committee investigating Watergate begins its televised proceedings; allegations of wrongdoing in the affair lead to President Richard Nixon's resignation.
Mare said:
1814 - The Norwegian Constitution is written at Eidsvoll, Norway. Celebration of this day includes overendulging in ice-cream, hot dogs and soda, and the public appearance of marching bands.
May 18th

1804: Napoleon Bonaparte is proclaimed emperor of France by the Senate and Tribunate.

1860: Abraham Lincoln, a former Illinois state legislator, receives the Republican presidential nomination at the Republican National Convention in Chicago.

1896: In Plessy v. Ferguson, the U.S. Supreme Court rules that racial segregation is legal as long as "separate but equal" facilities are provided for whites and blacks.

1910: Halley's Comet is seen from earth as it passes in front of the sun; it appears every 76 years.

1980: Mount Saint Helens volcano in Washington state erupts, causing an outbreak of fires, mudslides, and floods; 57 people die in the largest eruption in U.S. history.
Mare said:
1980: Mount Saint Helens volcano in Washington state erupts, causing an outbreak of fires, mudslides, and floods; 57 people die in the largest eruption in U.S. history.

I still have a small amount of the ash from the eruption, about a quarter cup...It's as fine as talcum powder....
Mare said:
May 18th

1860: Abraham Lincoln, a former Illinois state legislator, receives the Republican presidential nomination at the Republican National Convention in Chicago.
...effectively ringing the death knell for democracy in the United States.
highwayman said:
I still have a small amount of the ash from the eruption, about a quarter cup...It's as fine as talcum powder....

sucker isn't done yet, either. You've all seen that spine growing in the crater? You should go to their website and look at that picture in thermal. Yikes. Surounded by glaciers, and that puppy's still hot enough to boil water. St-Helens and Ranier. Almost makes living in California sound sane.
Professur said:
sucker isn't done yet, either. You've all seen that spine growing in the crater? You should go to their website and look at that picture in thermal. Yikes. Surounded by glaciers, and that puppy's still hot enough to boil water. St-Helens and Ranier. Almost makes living in California sound sane.

Along with the earthquakes? Some day Arizona will be beach front property...
See, what I can't figure out is why everyone seems to think that California will split off right at the state line and fall into the ocean. Anyone who knows anything about tectonic plates at all would know that 1) if any part were to split off, it would be at the San Andreas Fault, hundreds of miles from Arizona or Nevada, and 2) the Pacific plate is moving north against the North American plate, not down into the ground.
May 19th

1536: Anne Boleyn, second wife of King Henry VIII of England, is beheaded in the Tower of London after she was convicted of adultery.

1643: Representatives from four New England colonies meet in Boston to form a military alliance.

1900: The Tonga Islands are made a British protectorate; they become an independent nation in 1970.

1935: T. E. Lawrence, the British soldier and adventurer known as Lawrence of Arabia, dies in England from a motorcycle accident.

1967: The Soviet Union, Great Britain, and the United States ratify a treaty banning nuclear weapons in space. WELL WERE GONNA HAVE TO LIVE SOMEWHERE WHEN THEY BLOW UP THE WORLD!
it is also a great day for asian dictators

May 19 1890

Nguyen Tat Thanh is born in central Vietnam. After World War I he devotes his life to the Communist cause, adopting a series of pseudonyms along the way. Finally he settles on "The Enlightener," that being the English translation of Ho Chi Minh.

May 19 1928

Saloth Sar, one of the world's most successful mass murderers, is born in French Indochina. He later adopts the name Pol Pot in 1976, a year after the Khmer Rouge seizes control of Cambodia.
Inkara1 said:
See, what I can't figure out is why everyone seems to think that California will split off right at the state line and fall into the ocean. Anyone who knows anything about tectonic plates at all would know that 1) if any part were to split off, it would be at the San Andreas Fault, hundreds of miles from Arizona or Nevada, and 2) the Pacific plate is moving north against the North American plate, not down into the ground.

Because it was the plot in a movie, Inky. Everyone knows that movies are all well researched. Geez, Inky. Don't you know anything?

I mean, c'mon. Armageddon, Deep Impact, The Davinci Code, Farenhight 911, Deep Throat.... They did millions of dollars of research to make sure that they weren't deceiving people.
May 20th

1506: Christopher Columbus dies in poverty in Spain.

1861: North Carolina votes to secede from the Union and join the Confederate States of America.

1927: U.S. aviator Charles Lindbergh takes off from New York in his single-engine aircraft Spirit of St. Louis heading to Paris, France; it is the first nonstop solo transatlantic flight.

1969: U.S. and South Vietnamese troops capture Hamburger Hill after one of the bloodiest battles of the Vietnam War.

1980: In a referendum, the largely French-speaking province of Québec votes to remain part of Canada.
May 21st

1881: Clara Barton establishes the American Red Cross, a counterpart to the European humanitarian agency founded in Switzerland in 1864.

1932: Amelia Earhart becomes the first woman to fly solo across the Atlantic, when she arrives in Ireland from Newfoundland, Canada.

1945: American movie star Humphrey Bogart marries his To Have and Have Not costar Lauren Bacall.

1961: U.S. president John F. Kennedy commits the country to “landing a man on the moon and returning him safely to Earth before this decade is out.”

1991: Rajiv Ghandhi, former prime minister of India, is assassinated during election campaigns; his mother, Prime Minister Indira Ghandhi, was assassinated in 1984.
May 22nd

1455: England's 30-year Wars of the Roses begin with King Henry VI's Lancastrian forces defeated by the Yorkists in the Battle of St. Albans.

1939: German dictator Adolf Hitler and Italian dictator Benito Mussolini sign the "Pact of Steel," establishing a military alliance between their countries.

1972: Richard Nixon becomes the first U.S. president to visit the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics (USSR).

1992: Johnny Carson ends his 30-year reign as the popular host of television's "The Tonight Show."

2003: Golfer Annika Sörenstam tees up for the Colonial tournament, becoming the first woman to compete in a PGA Tour event since Babe Didrikson Zaharias in 1945.