This day in history.....

November 13th

1789: U.S. President George Washington returns to Washington at the end of his first presidential tour.

1933: In Austin, Minnesota, workers at the packing plant of George A. Hormel and Company hold the first sit-down strike in American labor history.

1969: War moratorium demonstrations occur across the nation.

1982: The Vietnam Veterans Memorial is dedicated in Washington, D.C. The names of more than 58,000 lost soldiers are inscribed on a long wall of polished black granite.
November 14th

1832: The first streetcar goes into operation.

1851: Herman Melville publishes Moby Dick.

1935: The Commonwealth of the Philippines is officially proclaimed by U.S. President Franklin D. Roosevelt.

1969: NASA launches Apollo 12, the second lunar landing mission and the first mission to make a pinpoint landing on the moon.

1972: The Dow Jones industrial average closes above 1,000 for the first time.
November 16th

1676: On Nantucket Island, located in the English colony of Massachusetts, local authorities hire William Bunker to establish the first prison in the America colonies.

1907: Oklahoma becomes the 46th of the United States.

1933: The United States and USSR establish diplomatic ties.

1946: The United Nations Educational, Scientific, and Cultural Organization (UNESCO), headquartered in Paris, France, comes into operation.
November 17th

1558: Queen Mary I, the reigning monarch of England and Ireland since 1553, dies at the age of forty-two; Elizabeth I succeeds to the throne.

1800: The U.S. Congress convenes for the first time in the partially completed Capitol building.

1869: French diplomat and engineer Ferdinand de Lesseps completes the 168 km (105 mi) long Suez Canal in Egypt that links the Mediterranean and the Red Sea.

1970: Lunokhod 1, a self-propelled vehicle controlled by Soviet mission control on earth, rolled out of the Luna 17 landing probe, and became the first wheeled vehicle to travel on the moon.
November 18th

1477: William Caxton publishes Dictes or Sayengis of the Philosophres, the first book to be printed in England.

1820: Captain Nathaniel Palmer becomes the first American to sight the continent of Antarctica.

1883: To facilitate railroad timetables, the United States and Canada adopt Standard time.

1963: The first push-button telephone goes into service.
November 19th

1620: The Mayflower arrives off of the coast of Cape Cod.

1863: American president Abraham Lincoln delivers the Gettysburg Address at the dedication of the Civil War cemetery at Gettysburg, Pennsylvania.

1954: The first automatic toll collection machine is placed in service at the Union Toll Plaza on New Jersey's Garden State Parkway.

1969: American astronauts Pete Conrad and Alan LaVern Bean are the third and fourth humans to walk on the surface of the moon.
November 21st

1783: French physicist Jean François Pilâtre de Rozier makes the first manned flight in a hot air balloon.

1942: The Alcan Highway in Alaska is completed.

1945: The United Auto Workers staged the first postwar strike at the General Motors plant in Detroit, Michigan.
November 22nd

Happy Thankgiving!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

1906: "S-O-S" is adopted as the international distress signal.

1927: Carl Eliason of Wisconsin patents the snowmobile.

1935: The first transpacific air-mail flight leaves San Francisco.

1963: U.S. President John F. Kennedy is assassinated in Dallas, Texas.

1969: The lunar module of Apollo 12 (launched November 14) lands on the southeastern Oceanus Procellarum region of the moon.
November 23rd

1863: Fighting begins in the Battle of Chattanooga.

1945: With the end of WWII all rationing stops in the United States, with the exception of sugar. Food remains scarce everywhere else and the black market continues to exist throughout Europe.

1973: Representative Yvonne Burke gives birth to a daughter, Autumn Roxanne Burke, becoming the first member of Congress to become a mother while in office.
November 28th

1520: Portuguese-born Spanish explorer Ferdinand Magellan reaches the Pacific Ocean from the Atlantic.

1895: The first American (gasoline-powered) automobile race takes place in Chicago.

1919: American-born Nancy Astor is the first woman in British history elected to a seat in Parliament.

1929: American explorer Richard Byrd begins his flight over the South Pole.

1943: The first conference between the leaders of the three major Allied powers—Roosevelt, Churchill, and Stalin—begins in Teheran, Iran.
November 29th

1864: U.S. military forces attack a Cheyenne encampment at Sand Creek, massacring over four hundred men, women, and children.

1890: The first Army-Navy football game is played between the U.S. Military Academy and the U.S. Naval Academy.

1929: American explorer Richard Byrd passes over the South Pole, becoming the first man to fly over both poles.

1945: Yugoslavia becomes a federated republic.

1947: The United Nations (U.N.) adopts a plan for the partition of Palestine into Jewish and Arab zones with Jerusalem under U.N. trusteeship, sparking fights between Jews and Arabs in Palestine.

1963: U.S. President Lyndon B. Johnson establishes the Warren Commission, headed by Supreme Court Chief Justice Earl Warren, to investigate the assassination of President John F. Kennedy.
November 30th
My Great Nephew-Jaiden is Born...

1782: A preliminary peace treaty between the colonies and England is signed in Paris.

1918: Denmark recognizes Iceland as an independent kingdom.

1939: Russia invades Finland, beginning the Russo-Finnish War.

1954: In Alabama, a meteorite crashes through the roof of a house into the living room, where it strikes a woman on the hip.

1966: Britain grants independence to Barbados, a British crown colony in the West Indies.
December 1st

1913: The first drive-in gas station opens in Pittsburgh.

1935: Chiang Kai-shek is elected chairman of the Kuomintang (Nationalist Party) Executive Council, thereby becoming virtual ruler of China.

1955: Rosa Parks refuses to give up her seat to a white man on a city bus in Montgomery, Alabama.

1955: The first remote-control railroad passenger car goes into service.

1959: A camera mounted on the nose of a missile takes the first color picture of Earth from space.
1818: Illinois enters the Union as the 21st state.

1833: Oberlin Collegiate Institute, the first college to enroll men and women on equal terms, opened in Oberlin, Ohio, with an enrollment of twenty-nine men and fifteen women.

1935: Eleanor Roosevelt dedicates the first low-income housing project in New York City.

1967: South African surgeon Christiaan Barnard performs the first heart transplant operation. The patient, Louis Washkansky, survives for 18 days.
December 5th

1776: Phi Beta Kappa, the first collegiate fraternity, is founded at William and Mary College in Williamsburg, Virginia.

1933: The 21st Amendment to the Constitution of the United States ends Prohibition.

1955: The American Federation of Labor and Congress of Industrial Organizations (AFL-CIO), a federation of autonomous trade unions in the United States, Canada, and Mexico, is formed.

1955: The Montgomery bus boycott begins. Planned in part by Martin Luther King, Jr., the boycott is a protest against the city's segregation laws, following the arrest of NAACP secretary Rosa Parks.
December 11th

1936: Edward VIII, king of Great Britain and Ireland for 325 days, becomes the first English monarch to abdicate the throne voluntarily.

1941: Two days after Congress passed a declaration of war against Japan, Germany and Italy declare war against the United States.

1946: The United Nations establishes the United Nations International Children's Emergency Fund (UNICEF) to provide relief and support to children living in countries devastated by war.

1997: Delegates at the Kyoto, Japan, conference on global warming agree to cut emission of greenhouse gases by 5.2% of 1990 levels during the years 2008 to 2012.