This guy is so fired

The guy in yellow and black was with him all the way. Where did you get the idea he wasn't?
You know the "liberal media" has some tendency toward the left, yet one can see an effort being made to be objective.

Fox "News", however, makes zero effort in that regard. If you have to announce that you're "Fair and Balanced", then you are most certainly anything but!

Sometimes though Fox does make for good comedy, but I sure wouldn't mind if Bill O'Reilly disappeared.
When O'Reilly starts doing news, let me know. I'll join you in bitching about him not being a journalist.
I think they meant when it looked like he was going to clock him.

Did you watch the thing at all? There was never any point where the guy was not on the side of what the reporter was saying.

Here. Read this and watch the tape and see if this guy was ever in disagreement with the reporter. Hint: He wasn't.

REPORTER: ... or would we like to at least buy cars and buy houses in foreclosure and give them to people that might have a chance to actually prosper down the road and reward people that could carry the water instead of drink the water.

Y/B GUY: That's a novel idea!

OFF CAMERA: Unintelligible.

Y/B GUY: (To off camera comment) What? Who thought of that?


REPORTER: How many of you people want to pay for your neighbor's mortgage that has an extra bathroom and can't pay their bills. Raise their hand.

Y/B GUY: How about we all ... How about we all stop paying our mortgage. It's a moral hazard.


REPORTER: We're thinking of having a Chicago Tea Party in July. All you capitalists that want to show up to Lake Michigan I'm gonna start organizing.

Y/B GUY: (Whistles loudly in unison to those cheering in agreement.)


REPORTER: ... I'll tell you what, if you read our Founding Fathers -- people like Benjamin Franklin and Jefferson -- what we're doing in this country now is making them roll over in their graves.

Y/B GUY: (Nods in agreement.)
You know the "liberal media" has some tendency toward the left, yet one can see an effort being made to be objective.

Fox "News", however, makes zero effort in that regard. If you have to announce that you're "Fair and Balanced", then you are most certainly anything but!

Sometimes though Fox does make for good comedy, but I sure wouldn't mind if Bill O'Reilly disappeared.

Perhaps you missed the part about "We report. You decide."?

Have you seen the numbers for O'Reilly? Hannity? Fox is trouncing all of the other networks -- cable and otherwise.

While O'Reilly USED to be a news reporter he is now an opinion interviewer.
Did you watch the thing at all? There was never any point where the guy was not on the side of what the reporter was saying.

Yes, Jim. I was pointing out to you that they were talking about the part where it looked like the guy was going to clock him.

Have you seen the numbers for O'Reilly? Hannity?

Why would you change RJ's subject to non-news shows and numbers?
Yes, Jim. I was pointing out to you that they were talking about the part where it looked like the guy was going to clock him.

Please post the time on the segment where that event occurred and I will check it out.

Why would you change RJ's subject to non-news shows and numbers?

Vast numbers of viewers disagree with rJ that O'Reilly would not be missed if he ceased to be on the air. He brought up O'Reilly, not me. O'Reilly is not a news program. That would make it a "non-news show".

... but I sure wouldn't mind if Bill O'Reilly disappeared.
-rJ POST #6
Please post the time on the segment where that event occurred and I will check it out.[/quotte]

For me it was when he suddenly stood up.

Vast numbers of viewers disagree with rJ that O'Reilly would not be missed if he ceased to be on the air

Vast numbers of non-viewers wourld agree with rJ. :shrug:


You are absolutely delusional if you thing a whack job like Palin has any chance of EVER winning a presidential election. Well actually you are pretty much delusional, and that was obvious all along, but....

So far as blowhard O'Reilly goes, the man is a baby, he can't handle debate unless he thinks he is winning, and they always pick folks who don't challenge him to be on the show.

Want examples?

Early in his career flipping out on an intern like the hot headed asshole that he is.

The Jeremy Glick debacle; not only does he come close to assaulting the kid, but he later makes up outright lies about the guy.

Here he tries to pick a fight with a guy at an Obama rally.
Please post the time on the segment where that event occurred and I will check it out.[/quotte]

For me it was when he suddenly stood up.

He was never sitting down. There is no chair. Watch the clip at 4:14 when the telephone rings and you will see that there is no chair. He is standing the entire time just like everyone you see in the background.

Look at THIS VIDEO and there is Y/B Guy STANDING and there is no chair in evidence.

Now. PLEASE tell me the time on the video where you believe he was about to "clock" the guy.
I don't need to Gonz I know better. Don't tell me you actually like her? I know some pretty staunch conservatives who despise her. What on earth is there to like, other than that she's kind of hot?
She has more balls than 90% of the pols out there. Her ideology fits. She has more executive level experience than the current administration. She doesn't hire tax cheats.

Oh, and she's hot.
Well fortunately for all of us, I think, even amongst most Republicans, there are enough who hold to separation of church and state enough to shoot her down. I must confess though I did some reading and she is not as apt to let her religious beliefs influence her politics as much as many on the left want us to believe. Still she's too far right for my tastes, and I think even for most of America. Both parties tend to put a stop to extremist candidates and I think perhaps she is just extreme enough as to be a non issue. I think they found that out during the last campaign.