This guy is so fired

She has more balls than 90% of the pols out there. Her ideology fits. She has more executive level experience than the current administration. She doesn't hire tax cheats.

Oh, and she's hot.

She's a stupid, mean-spirited, megalomaniacal witch and I wouldn't fuck her with your dick.
AFAIK, most folks have no clue as to what they really want...only what they don't want. This goes double in politics, which is why our system is so screwed right now.
Coming off a shellacking at the polls in November, the plurality of GOP voters (43%) say their party has been too moderate over the past eight years, and 55% think it should become more like Alaska Governor Sarah Palin in the future, according to a new Rasmussen Reports national telephone survey.


You betcha!
what a bunch of dumbshits.

what's next? jed fucking clampett?

shit, jed could probably provide more thorough commentary on basic foreign policy issues.
i'd be happy with a farmer too, provided that s/he is engaged with the world, and not popsickle stand breeding stock that can't think past the valley she grew up in. though i'm sure she has profound knowledge of the microeconomy of the meth lab. and that can be helpful... when dealing with... ya know... heads of state and all.
Hey, at least Obamalamadingdong admitted he did inhale. Gotta give him props for that. :cool: Don'tya??
The guy in yellow and black was with him all the way. Where did you get the idea he wasn't?
He was never sitting down. There is no chair. Watch the clip at 4:14 when the telephone rings and you will see that there is no chair. He is standing the entire time just like everyone you see in the background.

Look at THIS VIDEO and there is Y/B Guy STANDING and there is no chair in evidence.

Now. PLEASE tell me the time on the video where you believe he was about to "clock" the guy.
I had the sound down... here are three nice images (the first makes Y&B guy look either like he's sitting or mighty short...or the talker is 6'5" or something.

2nd is tY&B screaming at the guy's back
3rd is Y&B screaming in his face.
I had the sound down... here are three nice images (the first makes Y&B guy look either like he's sitting or mighty short...or the talker is 6'5" or something.

2nd is tY&B screaming at the guy's back

The guy turned just as Y/B guy was about to interject his comment (see below) which he then did so after he turned back around.

3rd is Y&B screaming in his face.

Santelli is wearing a breast mic. The guy was speaking into the mic, not "in his face".

He was saying at that time "How about we all stop paying our mortgage? It's a moral hazard."

The guy was whistling in agreement to the tea party idea.

I did not see him disagreeing with Santelli's comments nor did I see him looking like he was about to hit the man.
WTF are you even arguing about Jim? It looked like the guy was going to clock him to many people because of the way he lunged at him. That doesn't mean he was going to clock him since he didn't.

You really can't argue against the statement "it looked like he was going to clock him" except to say "it didn't look that way to me".

Now calm it down already.
The guy turned just as Y/B guy was about to interject his comment (see below) which he then did so after he turned back around.

Santelli is wearing a breast mic. The guy was speaking into the mic, not "in his face".

He was saying at that time "How about we all stop paying our mortgage? It's a moral hazard."

The guy was whistling in agreement to the tea party idea.

I did not see him disagreeing with Santelli's comments nor did I see him looking like he was about to hit the man.
I did say that I had the sound down, right?

My general impression of what happened (without sound) was of someone purposefully interjecting/distracting someone making a speech. Screaming, lunging, whistling over. etc ...

I listened to it yesterday... yes, he was supportive in his statements, but his stance, movements and general behaviour while doing so made him look like he was being aggressive against the speaker. :battle:
Ah-so. Body language vs. the reality. I can see that. If I removed 50% of the input I might have come to the same conclusion.
Ah-so. Body language vs. the reality. I can see that. If I removed 50% of the input I might have come to the same conclusion.
Your experience on the internet alone, and particularly in chat-spaces like OTC, should have given you a better appreciation of body-language, posture, facial expressions etc in conveying meaning more effectively than mere words (typed or spoken) could ever hope to convey.

Body-language is the context to the spoken word. )ie: I can scream "I love you" to my wife, but if I've got my fist raised and I'm inches from her face, do I really mean it?)

That's why smilies and the infamous j/k are so damn useful. They replace body language invisible otherwise.
Here's some of those LOSERS Santelli was referring to.

The housing crisis is hitting military families particularly hard, according to real estate agents and service member advocacy groups. Many who bought during the boom and must now relocate because of fresh orders are faced with selling their homes at a big loss. They are finding few buyers, or even renters, particularly in the hardest-hit markets. That is leaving some families facing options including renting at a loss, separation from their loved ones or, in some cases, foreclosure.

The issue has caught the attention of Congress, which included language in the economic stimulus package to compensate service members who sell their home at a loss or have been foreclosed upon because they were forced to move after a base closure, reassignment or a combat wound required them to be relocated near a health facility. The program also covers surviving spouses of those killed in combat.