This guy's obviously seen "Pi" too many times...

Ok talked to Rusty, we're going to rent Mulholland Drive or Donnie Darko this weekend. But since his Mom's birthday is on Monday (we call it Cinco-de-Maya cus that's her first name :D) and I'm working this weekend, he's going to be gone all day Sunday. So one of them will have to wait till next weekend.

I'll give you an update if we see Mulholland Dr. :)
greenfreak said:
we're going to rent Mulholland Drive or Donnie Darko

Interesting choice. At Mulholland gets a 79% and Darko an 81%.

Mulholland -"An almost overwhelming concoction of disarmingly likeable and good-natured characters and situations, disturbing dream-like sequences and biting social commentary."
-- Brian Webster, APOLLO GUIDE"

Darko - "Donnie Darko is, in fact, what Ferris Bueller’s Day Off might have been if David Lynch had ever gotten his hands on it, a daring, disturbing, visionary debut from 26-year-old writer/director Richard Kelly."
-- MaryAnn Johanson, FLICK FILOSOPHER"
I've seen that one and some parts of it I still can't explain. But it's been a while so I don't remember what they were. :)

Come to think of it, maybe we should rent both, watch one tonight and the other tomorrow. Hmmmm....