this is a bit too much

we have this place in montreal called coppolli's, Uki knows it, I think Cam would too, the burgers are 8 inches across

now that is a BIG burger, size of a small pizza
Gravy is for very dry turkey (like my aunt's at Thanksgiving) or mashed potatoes. I have never seen gravy on a burger, seems like it'd be running off the sides too much.
i used to make my own "uncrustables" with help from this fine product manufactured and sold by The Pampered Chef:

the pre-made sandwiches, however, are seen by me as more of a snack.
i will eat three of them and it wont make a dent in my hunger.
but let there be no mistake - i have NEVER paid for the product.... they passed them out at the maryland state fair a year and a half ago :)
like, all over the place. i musta picked up like 16 of those suckers.

edit to add: my family are pampered chef junkies. i counted the number of products on the right-hand side of the linked page, that we OWN, and we have at least 14 of them, and that's just cutting implements...
tonks said:
needs white peppered gravy...the kind that goes on biscuits....oh god...i'm horny.....:licklips:

Wazzat? And on a school night, too... :nono: Can't have that, now, can we... :brow:
Gato_Solo said:
Wazzat? And on a school night, too... :nono: Can't have that, now, can we... :brow:
OMG...major freudian slip! that soo should have read hungry....i think i'll go take a cold shower.....
HAHAHAHA *can't believe that Tonksy actually thinks she typed that* *wonders if Tonksy was around for the great game of mis quoting back int he day*
Nixy said:
HAHAHAHA *can't believe that Tonksy actually thinks she typed that* *wonders if Tonksy was around for the great game of mis quoting back int he day*
no i wasn't and i'm still embarrased :blush:
Stop Laughing said:
Mmm, one of my favorite burgers, Bennigan's 1 pound Big Irish:


that looks a stomach stretchin' kinda way:)

But how the hell are ya supposed to eat it? Yer must be able to dislocate yer jaw at will! :confused:
Oz said:
that looks a stomach stretchin' kinda way:)

But how the hell are ya supposed to eat it? Yer must be able to dislocate yer jaw at will! :confused:

Uhhh...knife and fork? :D So much for 'civilized' Europeans. :lol:
Gato_Solo said:
Uhhh...knife and fork? :D So much for 'civilized' Europeans. :lol:

Bugger that...........eating a burger with a knife and fork defeats the object of it being in a bun! :D

EDIT: do you folks get a knife and fork in Mcdonalds/Burgerking etc........cos the tightarsed sods don't supply them here :confused:
Oz said:
EDIT: do you folks get a knife and fork in Mcdonalds/Burgerking etc........cos the tightarsed sods don't supply them here :confused:

Only if you order their 'golden brown' garden salads... :grinyes:
Army boy is a wuss? Hell yea we eat it as it is, smush that mother down & chomp.
Gonz said:
Army boy is a wuss? Hell yea we eat it as it is, smush that mother down & chomp.

Damned straight. If you don't have to change your shirt after eating, how good good could the sandwich have been.
*Wonders if Oz has ever had Italian roast beef Chicago style on a weck*
chcr said:
*Wonders if Oz has ever had Italian roast beef Chicago style on a weck*

*Oz doesn't even know wot the hell weck is.......never mind had experience of it*
It's kind of a crusty sub roll. Until they fill it up with Italian beef, peppers and onions and soak it in the juice the beef was cooking in. One of the great taste sensations in this universe, but just about impossible to eat without getting some on you.